Ammar D. January 29 2011 22:49

Your expectations is properly not right,
So to say that was clearly attacks to my person
Any way Thanks for the post

I forgot to tell you that this page is set to introduce the Arab civilizations and not the place to show us your CV

in record «Petra»
Blocked profile January 29 2011 22:36

I think you're using translator now... At least the formation of sentences becomes a little bit weird.. Pardon me if I am wrong.
But I still disagree. You see, I gained from my studies in school perhaps at least twice as much as some of my classmates, and certainly at least 10 times as much in the topic of Biology. But is it the reason of some politicians or just my classmates' unwillingness/laziness to learn?
I am not supporting ignorance, quite the opposite. But I just saying you're a bit too fast to point a finger towards racism as long as it is everyone else but not you.

But I do agree that Petra is a beautiful, magnificent place and shamefully not known as it should be. And so are many spots on this earth. And so are many wonderful facts about the earth on which we are living.

in record «Petra»
Ammar D. January 29 2011 22:21

These statistics are measured and found non-seasoned politicians to keep their own people do not know the other facts, wich it was good cover for more cases is more important than it, any way You are on the subject of another side drag me to pay attention. but i would like to stay on My subject.

in record «Petra»
Blocked profile January 29 2011 21:47

P.S. And I never agreed that the lack of concern is deliberate. If it is deliberate in the terms that the lack of concern is instilled deliberately by the whole politics of education and the general awareness, then yes, it is a racism.
But what do you expect from people who are so illiterate that some of them don't even know their own capital (a real case from UK survey of 15-year-olds)? Are you sure that it is a deliberate racism if besides not knowing many more facts about their closest events they also are not aware of one beautiful place?

in record «Petra»
Blocked profile January 29 2011 21:44

Well, all I am saying that for you it doesn't matter much if I am a Russian or a Latvian (we're far-away strangers anyway), therefore you might not know the difference. Therefore I claim it is practically the same thing. There are many things about which Arabs don't know and don't care. But shall we call it all a lack of concern and thus a racism? Or you want to say that only West are racist? If you say so, then in a sense it also is racism (or at least a chauvinism). Think well...

in record «Petra»
Ammar D. January 29 2011 21:37

Never did not happen that one compare the lack of knowledge with lack of concern. and if its happened, it is the result of lack of experience in life

in record «Petra»
Ammar D. January 29 2011 21:33

Your attack to the Arabs who do not distinguish that Latvia is a state separate from Russia void of racism.
Arabs now lacking science and knowledge and because of their preoccupation with matters of life that synthesized and made from the West  In America and Europe.
Lack of knowledge is not a racist. But ignorance and lack of interest as you called it (Dont Care) is the basis of racism in the human.

in record «Petra»
Blocked profile January 29 2011 21:13

So when people from your country can't tell the difference between Latvia and Russia (because they just don't care since it has never affected them), then I also can call it a racism?

in record «Petra»
Ammar D. January 29 2011 18:44

This trend of lack of interest reflected on the future generations with very negative way, especially as the general public take the negative side and they leave the light sides.
I agreed withyou in what You said except that we call the lack of interest ~Dont Care~ , its Racism.

in record «Petra»
Blocked profile January 29 2011 17:37

My point was that even many nice points in West are also in total obliteration, because people just don't care. Don't see it as a racism, just a general "don't care" thing. And it is not just only directed against things that are important to you. This "don't care" is for anything that doesn't bring easy money or can't be sold that easily. For example, I am from a small country that hardly anybody knows, even within Europe. But I don't think it is racism, only ignorance about things that don't concern them directly.

in record «Petra»
Ammar D. January 29 2011 17:11

Ir mēģinājums izpētīt arhitektūru Nabati vēl mysterious slepenībā, kā veidot Petra @ Llona

in record «Petra»
Ammar D. January 29 2011 17:07

Intransigence of the West in an attempt to obliterate the ancient civilizations is one of the most prominent roles of racism. We tried all our efforts to make Petra one of the seven wonders of the world have been voting from around the world and Petra won and now it's one of the seven wonders of the world.

in record «Petra»
Liana K. January 29 2011 16:58

Of coure I think it's interesting

Blocked profile January 29 2011 16:55

Well, actually you should be glad even about the Indiana Jones movie. The level of the average person's ignorance is astounding, most of the inhabitants of the earth will not be able to tell the difference between Petra and Patra(s) (just to take 2 similar sounding places at random). So if there is a way to imprint that image upon their minds in any way, even through a silly action movie, it is already an improvement. Trust me, there are even more wonderful places on this world, that even don't have that much of Hollywood-based recognition, as feeble as it may seem.

in record «Petra»
IlonCis I. January 29 2011 16:49

Majestātiski! Pat mazliet baisi...Cik cilvēks patiesībā ir sīks pret to, ko pats ir radījis...

in record «Petra»
Rudis A. January 17 2011 11:20

OK!!! Gaidu!:))

Karim X. January 15 2011 15:37

Hate, jealousy, racism, war... it's in our animal instincts... but on the other hand so many beauty in the world, so nice things and emotions to share, discover, and so much love, that it's worth believing in life and focus on the good side of it

in record «...»
fred m. January 11 2011 21:27

i am thinking you have so much time to waste

fred m. January 11 2011 21:26

wasting our time

fred m. January 11 2011 21:26

i am thinking how could you have so much free time for rubbish like this?
you father must be a rich man :-)

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