Roosevelt T. May 31 2010 02:37

Actually latvian girls chat with UK guys for the same is suck  

Blocked profile May 31 2010 02:36

dunno wht abt tht girls,mayb they r just  met wrong persons... in next time should be more carefull,not all ppl like this!! in every generation n nation u can find some sh***t...  ;)

Blocked profile May 31 2010 02:33

mojo imja Oksana ,o4 prijatno Svetlana.vo pervih ho4u skazatj wto ja zamuzem za pakistanem,tak lu4we ne obobwatj,v kazdoj nacii najdetsa svoe G... no...i v tvoih slovah estj dolja istini,pro London neznaju,no ja zivu v Irlandii,i zdesj o4enj mnogo s Latvii,devuwek. i ja znakoma so mnogimi pakistancami zdesj i s latvijskimi ljudjmi toze: 1 paki zenat na latvijskoj devuwke,uze god,ona prinjala musuljmanstvo,sej4as oni zdut rebenka i o4 s4astlivi,no takoe dejstviteljno redko,hotja mnogie paki zdesj zenati na devuskah s ES,eto delaetsa ne toljko radi vizi(hotja eto odna iz mnogih pri4in),no tut i re4i net o prostitucii!!! tak wto ne vse edinim likom witi!  

Blocked profile May 31 2010 02:10

You go girl, warn all of them, because this is so very true

Lelde J. May 28 2010 11:00

Lelde J. May 28 2010 11:00


Blocked profile May 27 2010 23:59

According to The number of men and women in the world is roughly equal, though men hold a slight lead with 101 men for 100 women (in 2005). More precisely, out of 1,000 people, 503 are men (50.3%) and 497 are women (49.7%). For every 100 girls, 105 boys are born, but males have a higher risk of dying than females, both in childhood and at adult ages. So at a certain age, the numbers of men and women even out. In France this occurs at age 35 (in 2005). Beyond this age, women outnumber men and the numerical difference between the two sexes increases with age. In France, eight centenarians in ten are women (in 2005).

in record «Nottingham»
Blocked profile May 27 2010 13:09

Un? Ko vinjsh atbildeeja? Man taada klusa aizdoma, ka tas nebija "vai, atvainojos, tev taisniiba un man taa par latvieshu valodu nevajadzeeja runaat" :D
Labs i! lai veicas!

Winston, that is called the Latvian "trans-lit" and is used when the "correct ā's and č's" are not available. Of course, it also impedes translating.. Oh, what a pity :D

Winston C. May 26 2010 21:36

Lived there may years ago, lot's of girls but surely not a nice city. Good clubbing though!

in record «Nottingham»
Winston C. May 26 2010 21:32

I think all idiots here will have a problem to understand what you girls are talking about. Without the correct ā's and č's etc etc... Google translator will be useless and (even more), they will be lost in translation...!!! hehehehe

Lelde J. May 26 2010 17:22

mju es jau vinam aizrakstiju so to- ta ka paldies tev  u n par to nav jaustraucas..

Blocked profile May 26 2010 17:13

Nu skaidrs. Vienkarshi biju pamanijusi, ka uz tavu jautajumu nebija atbilzhu, tapec ari ieteicu uz amigos "latviski" pariet. Un kad vel kads ta nelagi izsakas par latviesu valodu, tikai tapec, ka vins tur neka nesaprot, ari nav jauki.
Tad skaidrs, tas nav negadiijums, bet ar nodomu :)

Lelde J. May 26 2010 17:07

tads jau ari bija mans merkis.
seit domaju ir diezgan pietiekosi latviski runajosie

Blocked profile May 26 2010 16:38

Skati manu pirmo komentaaru. Ja esi uzlikusi anglju valodu kaa pamatvalodu amigos, tad arii blogs paraadaas tikai tiem, kas izmanto amigos anglju valodaa. Un liela dalja no tiem ir taadi, kam no latvieshu valodas ne buu, ne bee.
Ja uzliksi latvieshu valodu un tad publiceesi blogus un jautajumus, tad buus reakcija no latviski lasoshaas amigos auditorijas.

Lelde J. May 26 2010 16:13

taa tad kadai tavu prat jabut auditorijai?

Blocked profile May 26 2010 08:27

Nē, ar latviešu valodu tur nav problēma Tavā rakstā, bet mērķauditorija nepareizā ;)

Lelde J. May 26 2010 00:43

manuprat ar latviesu valodu tur nav nekada problema..

Blocked profile May 25 2010 23:38

Viss pareizi.

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