Winston C. April 2 2010 01:36

Hey mushinging merthing... this is a really stupid question... What the F**k do you want to know about another's people intim life? Getting excited or something?  

Winston C. April 2 2010 01:31

SEX PISTOLS rules.... although the age stuff...  

rob d. April 2 2010 01:29

never mind the bollocks

Winston C. April 2 2010 01:28


Winston C. April 2 2010 01:27

Sure Eric... to start with it, kiss my hairy ass!!!!!!

Blocked profile April 2 2010 00:40

Winston Churchill
I guess he found this blog or comments to it funny:)

in record «Funny chat stuff»
Winston C. April 2 2010 00:38

What is that hahahahah from the Algerian guy?

in record «Funny chat stuff»
Roosevelt T. April 1 2010 15:49

winston ...yes im looking for you want to be my girl ?

Winston C. April 1 2010 14:59

Maybe because you are just looking for men, he Eric?      

eM r. April 1 2010 13:18

(emre) so people always must have serious relationships to gain more respect? And they do not need anything more but just a relation? I know that it wont work.. There are hundreds of married people here who do look for more, and this is not only a self respect issue.. It is not totally pink at all.. Life never lets u be happy with ur self choices..

in record «Funny chat stuff»
Blocked profile April 1 2010 12:47

eM rE
We are talking about girls who respect themselves. Think you know about us better than we do?))

in record «Funny chat stuff»
eM r. April 1 2010 12:43

depends.. If both sides are looking for a serious relation.. And sometimes it works..

in record «Funny chat stuff»
Winston C. April 1 2010 12:15

I really don't think any woman likes or wants to be - "chopped"... well, maybe the butcher wife?  

Blocked profile April 1 2010 11:58

Ian Ford
I'm sure he meant something, but couldn't express himself right. So I guess we'll never  know:))

Blocked profile April 1 2010 11:56

Mrs Verdolde
You're absolutely right:)

in record «Funny chat stuff»
Ian F. April 1 2010 11:45

why did orhan put women are so important all my life ?   whats he mean by that?

Blocked profile April 1 2010 11:41

I am sorry to say it neer, but if you put something on a public forum, it will be commented and discussed. If you want to avoid criticism, then why don't you keep it to your friends only? There are also such settings possible to the blogs.
Baiba - mieru tikai mieru ;)

in record «i like him to much»
Blocked profile April 1 2010 10:49

Secrete sounds like "secretome", like something that is being secreted :D (biologist in-joke)
You missed a very important point.
You see, us women want to be more than just a baby-producing, cooking, shopping, jewelry-wearing, chocolate-eating sex machines. And it is a pity that guys like you never see past those few stereotypical things or the sexy body and cute face. I am happy if someone says I am capable of doing something and doing it very well, if not best. And that works also for the technical achievements, education etc, etc, not just the "typical women stuff"

Blocked profile April 1 2010 10:43

Ooof, you said everything I always wanted to tell those guys.
By the way, telling women that they are sexy/hot/pretty is more likely to lead them to turn you down. Scientifically proven fact. Because we want to be more than just a "pretty face" (or rather "sexy body")

in record «Funny chat stuff»
Ian F. April 1 2010 10:32

Tell you what makes them really happy, being reconised as humans and not as sex objects. Being allowed to have their own lives, friends and thoughts. No one likes being controlled.

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