Sabīne J. August 2 2015 22:31

Tas ir stulbi..

Blocked profile August 2 2015 21:30

tā ir drošāk paiet garām posteņiem

Blocked profile August 2 2015 21:29

tatjanas-kurām nav želanijes

Blocked profile August 2 2015 21:28

pa apvienoto karalisti špago-pugala!

Blocked profile August 2 2015 21:27

Vasilijs Pljehovs 19:16

Brituks informets-atraitnis
salmu atraitnis

Andrew a. August 2 2015 19:23

your very sexy girl

Vasilijs P. August 2 2015 19:16

Brituks informets-atraitnis

Blonde L. August 2 2015 16:36

yes it is bad on here one man name jurijs write to i he use photo from internet.i not understand why not use photo them.

Blocked profile August 2 2015 16:21

now i dont belive any profile i dont knew  with whom i talk man, women, or somthing between

Blocked profile August 2 2015 16:20

i hate this story about fake people

Blocked profile August 2 2015 16:16

this is disgusting of elza minzee why not use your own photo?
oh i forgot you are really a man called walter the amigos troll

Blocked profile August 2 2015 16:15

A false man used your photo when you were young to cheat people he is sick dont care about

Tatjana B. August 2 2015 15:00

Нет желания

Jims D. August 2 2015 12:53

Write to site admins ;)

Blonde L. August 2 2015 12:44

labi un paldies

dzintars s. August 2 2015 09:20

A latviski nemāki,baigā arzemniec ko.

Blocked profile August 1 2015 20:57

Blocked profile August 1 2015 18:09

Jes it i am!!   

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