Blocked profile October 11 2013 16:20

in record «kas ir milestiba»
Blocked profile October 11 2013 16:20

Blocked profile October 11 2013 16:19

Nauman A. October 11 2013 13:22

Hi dear
I m sorry if it happend with u. I m a pakistani. I have many friends from EU or AU
and i m looking for my bride as well but i never ask any one for visa just want care and i will be happy if she love to live with me in pakistan

Blocked profile October 10 2013 02:09

whats is love love is nice

in record «kas ir milestiba»
Kevin M. October 9 2013 22:14


Kevin M. October 9 2013 22:13

or walter the cock?

Kevin M. October 9 2013 22:12

he looks like a rapist

Kevin M. October 9 2013 22:11

what a prick! hating the hitler moustache....but it goes with your racist and homphobic views lol

Blocked profile October 9 2013 22:04

How would you describe yourself?
    scoprimi .... scorpio
How would you describe your ideal partner?
    dolce e gentile e carino e intelligente sweet and kind and cute and smart
If after thirty days, what would be the end of the world, what would you do?
    aiutarare gli altri aiutarare other
If you had a spare 10 million dollars, what would you do?
    li risparmio ... i save
How often, and from whom do you ask advice?
    grazie thanks
What quality do you value most in the people of your gender?
    intelligenza clever
What quality do you value most in the opposite sex?
    dolcezza e intelligenza sweetness and intelligence
A recent prominent event in your life?
    preferire non parlarne prefer not to talk about
The best advice that you will give to your children?
    il bene e il male the good and the bad
What do you value most in life?
    gli uomoni buoni ... the uomoni good ...
The last books that you read?
    il codice da vinci  the da vinci code
What are your goals now?
    famiglia e carriera family and career
Who do you admire?
    molte persone che hanno dato un contributo importante ... many people who have made an important contribution ...
Do you have a lot of friends?
    si moltissimi are many
What qualities do you dislike most in the people of your gender?
    arroganza arrogance
What qualities do you dislike most in the opposite sex?
What would you like to change in yourself?
    moltissimo .. very much
What are your weaknesses
    tanti,,, many
What are your strengths
    da scoprire ... to discover
How do friends view you?
    benissimo ... well
What are your favorite games?
    ottimo ... excellent
My favorite games
    moltissimi vuoi giocare con me ... many want to play with me
Who are your favorite writers and poets?
    sigh ...
My favorite music
    italian e pop italian and pop
My favorite food?
    italiana ... italian
My favorite films
My favorite fairy tale
    tutte le favole ... all fairy tales ...
My favorite activity
What is your dream job?
    ce lo ho. -. we have it
Tell us about your dream job?
    chissà ... quale è? who knows ... which is it?
The place where I want to live?

Blocked profile October 9 2013 21:48

What type of Television programs do I enjoy watching most?
    Sci-fi, Horror, Movies, Action / Adventure
I enjoy spending free time
    Doing something athletic, Curling up with a good book, With family, Playing with my pet, Watching TV or a movie, Taking a walk, Among friends, Dancing in night clubs
    Fishing, Dancing, Skiing, Swimming, Walking
Sports that I enjoy watching or playing
    Bowling, Tennis
Forms of entertainment that I enjoy
    Board Games, Dinner parties, Fashion events, Movies, Museum / arts, TV Educational / news, TV Entertainment
Other hobbies or interests
    Astrology, Computers, Dogs

Blocked profile October 9 2013 21:47

    20 - 35
    Latin America, Asia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, North America
    52.21 - 63.56 kg/115 - 140 lbs (s)
    170 - 183 cm / 5'7 - 6'0''

How do you feel about the fact that they have children?
Body type:
    Average, Muscular
Do you smoke?:
Do you drink:

Blocked profile October 9 2013 21:46

way of life

Do you enjoy gardening?
    Do not mind helping
How Do I enjoy dining out?
    I love it
Do I enjoy other types of Shopping?
    I love it
Do you like to cook?
    I love it
How often do I like to go out?
    3-4 times a week
Do you enjoy dining out?
    I like it a lot
With regard to TV
    Opt for a movie
As money
    I spend some and save some
Describe myself at a party as
    Life of the
Keep my space / apartment
    It's spic
    I have a dog (s)
    I have not, but I like the cat (s), Fish, Birds

Blocked profile October 9 2013 21:43

ID walter
walter, Age: 43
Register to see

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The main

First Name:
    Italy, Roma
Date of Birth:
    March 10, 1970
Sign of the Zodiac:
    70kg / 155lbs (s)
    180cm / 5'11 "
Color of eyes:
Hair Color:
    Brown-haired person

Do you have children?:
    No children
Body type:
Marital status:
    Not married / not married
Want children:
Do you smoke?:
Do you drink:
    Italian 5 (Fluent)
    English 3 (Intermediate)
    Office Manager
What religion do you practice?

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