SKY S. June 10 2013 20:48

in record «i am getting married»
xoxluwka S. June 10 2013 20:45


in record «i am getting married»
Karim X. June 10 2013 20:06

Totally agree!  

Blocked profile June 10 2013 16:54

Little moron Ibrah

Blocked profile June 10 2013 16:46

mister Ibrah are you gay man this not allowed Dubai

Karim X. June 10 2013 14:52

Sadly those young educated people and other free intellectuals are a very tiny minority in Turkey... Most of the people in Istanbul and in the immensity of Turkey (minus Kurdistan of course) are thankful to the prime minister Erdogan that have made the country much richer in the last 10 years (a real miracle we can compare to China) and given back people a part of the pride they had in the time of the Ottoman Empire...

The conservative forces have taken away army and police from Taskim place... but tourist reservations are collapsing and Turkey get a bad image internationally... so I think in a few days it will be over sadly...

Blocked profile June 10 2013 14:19

I heard it was not just the youth but people from various levels of society, education, from various religions, various ages and that was what made it so powerful. But yes, it takes a great deal of good luck to make it into real changes towards betterment. I hope it will work out, naively perhaps.

Karim X. June 10 2013 13:51

Like the warm wind on the Bosphorus, the "Republic of Taksim" will give birth to changes... Youth is very educated and wish for some changes... I am a bit pessimistic about now cos they are a real minority, most of the parents are very conservative like most of Turkish population... But anyway no government can ignore its youth forever... so let's hope for changes...

Blocked profile June 10 2013 12:35

That's incredible what's going on in Turkey now, even more because there is no official cover of it. But you cannot stop information leaking out in this age. I know there was a support event organized in Latvia, Riga for the protesters (I'm not in Riga myself so I cannot tell how it went).
Be strong!

Blocked profile June 9 2013 22:17

what you will do later  

in record «i am getting married»
Blocked profile June 9 2013 21:54

If you like gentelman you hawe good test , congratulation ,

in record «i am getting married»
Karim X. June 9 2013 21:52

haha Italian are so modern that they just  elected president Napolitano (88 years old) and the 2 main politicians are Grillo (ex clown) and Berlusconi... Italians have the politicians they deserve lol and soon Italians will move to Turkey to get job lol! FIAT is soon living Italia for Turkey lol! Maybe job for Walter there... Oh sadly they don't like queers there! But as I told a friend earlier I think I saw a guy cleaning shoes in the street... looked like walter lol... his Gipsy friends finally got him a job! lol

Blocked profile June 9 2013 21:25

Spouting more crap are you Italian creep Walter shame my Italian friends did not see you on Friday?
Before you start writing about Turkey and other countries look at the state of your own country.
My friends in Rome told me this:
Italy is experiencing such high debt/GDP ratios, reduction in output, political uncertainty, recession and high unemployment. In Europe we have twenty seven million people out of work. Youth unemployment in Italy is in the high 40%s. If this is a recovery, then we’re all in deep trouble.
The system is convoluted. Instead of having a competitive economy, Italy has an economy based on patronages and lobbies, protected by lawlessness/anarchy. Only interested in perpetuating itself..

Blocked profile June 9 2013 20:44

preety nice lady you choose dear walter  

in record «i am getting married»
Blocked profile June 9 2013 20:40

I do not believe this Walter where is she from
Hope she knows what she is letting herself in for with you.

in record «i am getting married»
Karim X. June 9 2013 20:29

Italy is full of debt, corrupt and dying (population go down)... when Turkey has a strong economy that is now the 12th in the world and will soon pass the Italian one... So I am pretty impressed but sad Turkey cares more about looking towards Iran than Europe... But all my friendship to Turkish youth!

Walter u are a sad ignorant... hopefully u live in the rat hole u deserve!

Kevin M. June 9 2013 20:26

walter you never cease to amaze with your bigoted brain dead views!lol just when i think you cant get any more retarded you surprise me again! you pidgin english, goofy toothed, horse mouth cunt  

iamWalter t. June 9 2013 20:15

the more freedom and leisure you give to the population
the less you get as recognition
this is tipical of the western democracies
the risk is that more you give more they ask
it is always better to promise and promise but never give anything
the population is like the children, better not to give what they want but promise to give tomorrow
now turkish are getting what they deserve: ipad free sex and what else? now they want the power
better to give to the military class not to youngesters uneducated and unable to rule the country whic is by the way quite dirty in the countryside

Karim X. June 9 2013 19:31

It's good that youth fight for more freedom... but sadly most of Turkish population is very conservative and on the prime minister side (order and religion) ... Like those millions of farmers from the Anatolian mountains ... When we know how government treated the Kurdish people, sadly, I am afraid it's a lost "war" for the progressive youth of Ankara...

Blocked profile June 9 2013 18:15

watch that link pls...

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