Don't miss out

February 7 2010 15:31

Whilest having a long chat with a friend on this site we were talking about beautiful things and the fact there is not much beauty in this world left cause the human race has destroyed it. Am I talking about girls? NO i'm talking about the 3rd rock from the sun, this amazing piece of rock that we call Earth. So enjoy it while you can.

Keywords: Beauty17

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Comments (3)

rob d. February 10 2010 05:17

Liene said: "How many of you would go back to living a life without hot running water, electricity, central heating, cars, buses, planes, trains, ready made food  ..... just to name a few."

I think it will happen no matter what we want.  Nature does not care.  Enjoy the life you have today ;)

Blocked profile February 8 2010 03:11

I agree with you .... but unfortunately there's not much we (as singles) can do about it.
It's mostly due to industrialization ....and there's no going back there.
How many of you would go back to living a life without hot running water, electricity, central heating, cars, buses, planes, trains, ready made food  ..... just to name a few.
We have to try our best not to pollute this world more than it's already polluted. .... but it's not that simple.

Ian F. February 7 2010 16:06

This is what started the conversation off

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