
February 17 2010 18:27

Athough I dont normal eat in the morning, this morning I was hungry. I had these lovely Pork & Apple sausages with Bacon, Fried Egg and Toast. It was marvelous. What do you like to eat for breakfast?

Keywords: food15

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Comments (6)

Blocked profile February 19 2010 08:18

I don't eat breakfast,
I'm not hungry in the morning, it takes me at least 3/4 hours to build up an appetite.

If I was hungry, I'd probably have a bacon or roastbeef sandwich with lettuce and tomato, glass of orange juice, a cup of tea and a muffin ....usually this would be my lunch.

rob d. February 18 2010 05:28

coffee, orange juice, and a granola bar...
but that full breakfast sounds good too.

Blocked profile February 17 2010 20:57

I usually also opt for the continental breakfast. Either some cereal or some sandwich. But in extreme cases.. I also know of the Ulster Fry :D Anthough the English sausages failed to convince me of their edibility, sorry Ian. Nothing can beat Germans in that aspect.

Blocked profile February 17 2010 20:13

I just drink one mug of coffee :) normal coffe not English coffee :)) somehow I am not hungry in mornings but sometimes I might have smth sweet or sandwich - Spanish way.

Danuta L. February 17 2010 19:58

A bacon, lettuce and tomato, aka BLT makes my day  

Ian F. February 17 2010 18:28

I mean normally, excuse my mistake

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