
February 27 2010 03:22

Most Europeans can do pretty damn good English, then for some reason men from outside wanna distract them by teaching them parts of their languages and they end up learning words like Shokran and Kteer. This will not help them in the future unless your intension is to marry the girl and keep her inside the house 24/7 which most middle easterns do cause their girlfriend and wives are not allowed friends.

Keywords: languages33

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Comments (11)

Blocked profile March 9 2010 12:12

Ian nothing wrong with having male friends

Ian F. March 9 2010 02:38

Saleh would you allow your girlfriend to have male friends like I would?

Blocked profile March 8 2010 13:42

Brainwork  and  Anna.. Racist will always be around...ignorance is bliss...it will be taught from generation to generation it will never end..

Danuta L. March 2 2010 20:07

For what I know, Turkglish is the most common language here... With some dialects of course- Kurdglish, Pakiglish, Indianglish, Arabglish and many other "glishes" that cannot speak properly English. Just can't understand where they learned all those pervert words, internet???

Brainwork B. March 2 2010 18:59

@Mrs. Verdolde: If you can read -> my comments are only bad for a little group of people! And this area is free to wrote what you like.

Blocked profile March 1 2010 21:00

@ Brainwork - then maybe don't make bad comments about other people's English because I have seen you doing that a lot... Just a suggestion ;)

Brainwork B. February 28 2010 08:20

@Mrs. Verdolde: My english i have learn in school. But it is long time ago!

Ian F. February 28 2010 03:27

Shokran and Kteer don't actually translate, the female I got that from is with a very old middle eastern. Maybe hes to old to spell or go to the toilet by himself :D

Blocked profile February 27 2010 23:14

Well, I am sorry to break it to you, "I'm Brainwork" but your english also sounds like freshly from a translator...
I didn't get the idea about Shokran and Kteer though.. wanna elaborate?

Brainwork B. February 27 2010 14:38

You think the most europeans can good english? I think the older people have no learn it at school. In the baltic states , if the stand under russian occupation the people have learn russian. Thats 20 year ago. Now first language they learn is mother toungue and than english!

Blocked profile February 27 2010 10:41


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