
May 7 2010 15:12

Hello everyone ;*


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Comments (27)

inanc ö. May 19 2010 12:53

hı I'm inanç and living in Marmaris/Turkey can we meet ?

eM r. May 12 2010 21:48

this should be same as "u" try to teach history or humanity to someone... english is not a native language for me, and humanity is not very familiar for u ;)

Winston C. May 12 2010 21:40

How come someone that write "u" and "ur" thinks that can teach English to anyone else? Can you please stop murdering languages???

eM r. May 11 2010 21:15

and it is not so easy to make me angry ;) just u need to relax I guess ;))

eM r. May 11 2010 21:14

ok lets improve ur english a little bit;
check the second explanation ;) I hope that helps mrs verdolde

Babe B. May 11 2010 18:27

OMG,get a live you freaks! And get out of my blog ;@

Blocked profile May 11 2010 14:39

P.S. Last time I checked, I still had all of my skin, so yes, you're right - I am hide-bound. You aren't? In that case - who was the cruel person that skinned you alive and let you away like that? You should report that skinner, that's a crime!

Blocked profile May 11 2010 14:11

Sorry, but you are getting more and more incoherent and aggressive. I thought that men didn't have PMS...

eM r. May 10 2010 21:15

ouuu, yes, that s right, it is totally weird for u, being hidebound ;)
I guess u need to waste ur time with him more than me, medical treatment may also be required, ask for help to a psychologist...

Blocked profile May 10 2010 21:09

Hide bound? Hmm.. a weird concept, how do you mean it?
But anyway, Mr. Prosecutor, you don't need to become his next best friend but also not run at people like a bull on the red cloth. Sometimes things don't need to be taken personally.

eM r. May 10 2010 21:02

not only engineers but also unidentified idle creatures ;)

Winston C. May 10 2010 20:54

     After such a day, nothing like a good laugh!!! Seems this place is full of engineers!!!      

eM r. May 10 2010 18:33

:) I am pretty calm, believe me...
and just as an information, I m working as an engineer in a global firm about jet engines, I hope and also guess that my bosses have chosen me because I have mostly scientific intelligence...
so, again sorry but I will not accept that I am a hide bound...  I usually give lots of chances to someone to decide more about him/her (in terms of friendship)... but this is totally different, he is strange and annoying...

Blocked profile May 10 2010 12:51

Oh, oh, emre, can you please calm down and for once not see attack in everything?
NO, I was NOT going to categorise you with your belief, I was only mentioning that the way religious and scientific people think is different. Scientific people can accept that they are wrong, religious people will defend their idea against all rational odds. And that is true. You see criticism as a point-blank attack, I see criticism as way of improving myself. OK, "enemy" was perhaps a too harsh word, but I meant people that you hate. Let me tell this. I have a colleague which I and more colleagues dislike. She is arrogant and not at all helpful and sociable. But yet, she is clever and has more experience than I do. So I have to also take criticism from her, although my first reaction would be much like yours - "Aaaaaarrrrrggggghhh, I hate you, you are so rude, therefore I don't want to hear a word from you!"
But that's what you always do, without even fully listening to me.
Well, at least I can say that good for you that you at least admit that you prejudice him because you dislike him.

eM r. May 10 2010 11:03

ao.. Scientific and objective?? :) this is not a war, he is not an enemy, he is just an ignorant, and likes to harass people.. And here i guess i have the prejudice i guess, he can't have an idea that i will need somehow or useful anytime for me ;) and yes i am religious, u wanna catagorize me also with my religious belief?? Oh my godness! There is exactly no cure for u both! Thanks to god u are so few at all..

Blocked profile May 10 2010 10:28

Well, in that case I practice a somewhat more objective and scientific approach. Because I can appreciate even if my enemy makes a good point. Whereas you are so blinded in your hate that even if your enemy says something good and useful to you, you will still deny it and fight against it. Are you very religious? I am curious..

eM r. May 10 2010 08:53

zhuks, i will be against him since he goes on to have that stupid racist behaviour caused by ignorance,  deficient education and maybe a kind of jealousy

Blocked profile May 10 2010 08:30

P.S. This was my own point, not just defending Winston Churchil. Not being lawyer of anyone else but my own point. I already chased away one fake "USA singer" from this blog and I am proud of it. Not to talk about giving headache to some more obscure "celebrity" fakes found here.

Blocked profile May 10 2010 08:28

That is sad then, because I prefer people to be real and not hiding behing fake identities. It's like crows, hiding behind the feathers of peacock. People sneakingly trying to reap the admiration that belongs to more successful or good looking. Shame on them.
Of course, since you admitted that you have a few of them yourself, then I understand why you are so offended personally about his point against fakes.

eM r. May 9 2010 19:56

ou, miss lawyer, are we going to start again ? please do not even dare to teach me how I need to talk with that WC, I will go on to give whatever he deserves.... and to be honest, it is so strange that u even didn't say a word when he talks foolish and rude... what is ur point about that?
and I don't care who is fake or not, I also know that almost half of my  friend list is fake....

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