latvian girl friend

April 21 2011 14:42

how can i possibly find a latvian girl friend... iam from india and most of the time live in europe for work,....and i think u can really trust latvian women as i had few frends long time ago but missed their contacts as was travelling and living in suitcases ...
i now look for a latvian girl friend who can travel with me all over europe atleast 3-4 times a year who is fun loving and like to live life to the fullest....

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Comments (13)

ilga m. May 20 2011 08:33

haha. wow thats i guess a complamant about latvian womens???

Blocked profile May 20 2011 08:01

Do you want a girlfriend or an escort girl? It helps to know what one is looking for, or else you will never find it    

Ian F. April 30 2011 18:29

Nationalities do not have a typical behaviour so there is no typical Indian and no typical Latvian however after getting to know both nationalities here in the UK Indians and Latvians are so different and have nothing in common apart from home planet.

Abhishesk J. April 30 2011 10:30

@ ian.... there are very pretty girls in india probably the most beautiful women in the world...but again they have issues with everything.... and its not easy now days in india .... i had my share of girl friends here but not the types who will remain loyal... iam not saying there wont be such girls there are but then grass is always greener on the other side....
@ lizzy... i only believed that human trafficking only happened in our part of the world but it still surprises me that something like this is still happening in such developed countries...

Ian F. April 29 2011 22:48

No nice girls in India Abhishesk?

Blocked profile April 29 2011 22:05

No, I don't have any contacts, but stories like those still appear in documentaries, I've seen a very recent exhibition trying to raise awareness about human trafficking (and how that happens). There are criminal groupings still profiting from it. Some, luckily, get exposed and arrested, sometimes it even makes it to news. Even those fake marriages are still an ongoing thing, some of them ending with more dire consequences than just screwed up marital status. I don't need to be involved in that to know about it.
I also wish it didn't happen, but I can't just stick my head in sand like an ostrich and pretend it is not happening.

Abhishesk J. April 29 2011 11:22

hey lizzy...
iam not too sure it something like this is still happening but i wish and hope it doesnt happen to anyone..if u have such information then u surely have some contacts...
as for the fixation with a nationality i have travelled world over and someone who matches the senibility and values as of an Indian i think Latvia and Russia and all these countries come closet.... i just like latvian girls cos they r simply beautiful and hve the right attitude in general ... my saying this does not mean that there r no other beautiful girls present in other parts of the world... they are all there but somehow its a personal choice

Ian F. April 29 2011 11:05

Nice answer Lizzy  

Blocked profile April 25 2011 20:30

Well, if you think that those days of kidnapping and forced prostitution are gone, then I'm afraid you are living in a dream. It is still happening (and not just only in movies), mostly because the information is not reaching everybody (hereby I mean the women who fall victim to those schemes).
However, I wish you good luck to find the right woman, although I'd suggest not to get so fixed upon one nationality. It's about people themselves and their individual personalities, not nationalities.

Ian F. April 24 2011 04:19

Plenty of Latvians where I live

Abhishesk J. April 22 2011 10:56

hmm... i think gone r the days when something like kidnapping and forced prostitution used to happen .... there were some movies also made on the same,.... but now with the system more viiglant dont think anything like this still happens.....
anyways i wish find the right women... someone who likes to dream life to the fullest and have fun....

Blocked profile April 21 2011 22:38

From what I've been told most won't leave their country with men of middle eastern decent for fear of being kidnapped, some gils left ans were forced into prostitution in Ireland,one escaped and went to police all men were arrested....all I cam tell you ...good luck

Blocked profile April 21 2011 19:29

try going to latvia or contacting females on here from latvia and arranging to meet.
they may meet you in another country but there is a high chance they would wantto meet you in their country.
i have met some latvian females while there the three times i was in riga also jurmala..
they are nice females and good looking also.

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