
August 8 2011 05:04

milastiba is that love each other and be together forever and respect each other support each other rather than the milastiba for a day like that guy is doing they like to play with human feelings so it is nothing Nemak and deceive to get sex girls climbed it seems to me that can not ta do it is what still always jadbalsta or what has happened and if one man has got to somewhere where they do not and it is a long time waiting for the back of the

this need will vot I love people and one esu very happy with him, I vot ta

mother also knows she does not take care of their children leave the Hospital does not mate, but a real bitch this is the case it's true mate, looking at your child's best

Keywords: a life4

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Comments (11)

Blocked profile August 10 2011 22:05

And now ,  in this days  , i get love if i can speak and write , perfect  

               good    or normal  

Blocked profile August 10 2011 17:30

i wos in China  1983 , and wos a girl she told me in chines , that she love me   , a   I understud here because she  show me by  her filings .

No google translator or ????   any gramar , at that time we neded ,  i wos yanger of corse .

Blocked profile August 9 2011 12:03

and make love when you are yang , and i our age you can discus abaut , gramar , and words .

for love you just show your filing , is this so much to be happy .


Rene d. August 9 2011 11:08

All you need is love  

Blocked profile August 9 2011 10:12

for love i do  much  to make happy  person i love , at any time  

Blocked profile August 9 2011 09:16

yes ,yes    GMT    Love

Blocked profile August 9 2011 00:45

Love in Latvia!!!:

Blocked profile August 8 2011 17:45



Blocked profile August 8 2011 17:43

In Rotterdam karneval , vos nivce and happy peapel a lot of love , they speak even they make fault gramar ,but they like to understend  them betven them



Blocked profile August 8 2011 08:26

Dzesika, kad Tu lieto google-translate, tad parūpējies, lai arī sākuma teksts latviešu valodā būtu lasāms. Savādāk pusi no vārdiem nabaga programma nemāk pārtulkot un atlikumu izmet diezgan spēcīgi savārstītā angļu valodā. Ak jā, un Tu droši vien domā pirmo variantu latviešu publikai, tāpēc to vajadzētu publicēt, kad esi uzlikusi Amigos valodu uz latviešu valodu. Tad Tavs garadarbs būs pieejams tiem, kas Amigos lieto latviešu valodā. ;)

Jan V. August 8 2011 06:53


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