My Hope

April 23 2012 17:40


Keywords: hope21

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Comments (12)

Blocked profile April 25 2012 23:22

Waltere ! You are a debauchee, but not a Catholic!
You promptly need to go to church and to ask about a pardon of sins from a God!

iamWalter t. April 25 2012 23:12

i imagine you with many people as i said you before in private

Blocked profile April 25 2012 22:02

Waltere !
For this  a proofs is necessary , instead of your imaginations !!
Your hints can be deciphered as a Witch... Yes - I am a Witch! With green eyes!

iamWalter t. April 25 2012 21:24

Forever, i dont think so otherwise veryone will start to name you for example as a XXXch!

Blocked profile April 24 2012 23:48

Stop  to name all people an idiots !
Otherwise everyone will start  to name you  an idiot  also!  

iamWalter t. April 24 2012 23:40

                               I   H O P E   Y O U    A R E   A N    I D I O T

Blocked profile April 24 2012 20:09

To be, or not to be: that is the question...(William Shakespeare )

rob d. April 24 2012 00:02

Three things...
Memento mori.
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.
Nunc est bibendum, nunc pede libero pulsanda tellus.

Blocked profile April 23 2012 21:23

Hope never ends while you are alive, free and in full possession of your senses and limbs.

Blocked profile April 23 2012 21:01

So sit down and HOPE! The world will come to you   Just hope!      

Amneet S. April 23 2012 17:54

hope for my life

rob d. April 23 2012 17:52

Hope for what?

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