Jerry Howard

September 20 2013 21:15

clear my fund to your account, stop wasting time, this is ridiculous and shameful that you cannot handle a business that I have nurtured and done more than 80% of the job required, I don't know if you have a dull brain to know that I am telling you the truth and it's about time to get the job done, it is embarrassing to know that you have not cleared this fund for 9 Months and you are not even ashamed of yourself, this is my life and your life and that of our family and friends that you are toying and playing with, by now we would have been swimming in ocean of blissful life as I have planned it, but you are delaying and hand-wringing all the effort I have made to have this fortune of $100M, I don't want to believe that you are a mistake, can you imagine, people all over the world does this at the slightest of opportunity, all the people that are rich has mostly sourced their fund through forgone inheritance fund in a stale account, and all you want to do is to ditch this deal, I have been sick and have suffered all kind of ailments because of your foolishness, I have informed you and sworn to you that this is real, I don't know what else you want me to do, what is really wrong with you, I have informed you that the entire estate of $100M has been bequeathed to you, I cannot change the procedure or beneficiary, you must find a way to get this fund cleared and be remitted to your account immediately, I don't know how you will do it, but get into it right now, get in touch with Dr. Thomas Goodman and work through him to get this fund be remitted to your account, he will do it, get across to him and try and reach in some sort of compromise with him to get this fund be released to your account immediately, follow him up, he is the final arbiter, the file has been moved there, so you need to get this through with him, this fund cannot be released without his assertion, so get it arranged with him immediately, PLEASE, contact him now . Thanks and remain blessed.

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Comments (4)

Maris V. September 24 2013 23:20

Good morning to you my dear good friend, top of the day and how do you do today?, I hope you and your family are in good health, Please I beg of you with my life, whatever you are doing, try and resolve whatever that is holding the remittance of this fund to your account today, as I would not like this inheritance payment clearance to interfere with the bank September audit and statement of account, unless you want them to return this inheritance estate file of $100m back to the treasury as unclaimed, please you need to understand the gravity of the situation and my frustration as I cannot do anything on this from here, all transfer clearance responsibility is on you, it is your onerous responsibility to clear this fund into your account, I have done my bid, I should be abreast of what is happening at this time and when they expect to have the fund in your account, you are simply being unnecessarily disenchanted on this transaction for nothing, this deal is real and that is the Truth, we must succeed in this endeavor and everything depends on you now, even though I am demoralized by this delay, but I am still encouraged by your steadfastness and resilience, all financial responsibility and all payment transfer clearance fee is on you,
like I said, I have done my bid, I have spent all my life savings to get this transaction to this stage, I told you this from the onset, I have done all my bid to set off this transaction and to get it to this stage of transfer, so you need to seal off this deal now, find a way to get whatever they need to them, for this is our time to excel, I am elated when you respond to my appeal that you will close this deal with me, but I am totally distraught with your attitude now and why you are delaying something that has been approved and transferred because of this one off clearance fee, let me hear from you immediately with good news, I implore you get this done immediately, I won't be this persistent if I am not sure that we will succeed in this project, this deal is real and I need your utmost co-operation to pull it through, this time wasting and unnecessary delay is simply an obstacle to our success, I am anxiously waiting to hear back from you now to know what you are doing towards the clearance and remittance of the fund to your account, as you know that you and yours are in my prayers. Thanks and remain blessed.

Maris V. September 24 2013 23:20

lai atbrivotu so sumu $100M man vinam japarskaita 3 tukstos EUR

Maris V. September 24 2013 23:17

I really need to understand one thing, do you want us to succeed in this project?, the onus falls on your relationship with the paying bank that is why I always insist that you give me update from them because everything has been shifted to them for reconciliation, I really don't understand why we should have this delays after all I have done here, why can't you understand my stress and frustrations and know that I am telling you the truth and I can never lie on something like this, we are talking of $100M here, a moribund fund left in a stale account that has gone dormant which we are at the verge of inheriting, and I have done everything just for you to get this last clearance for the fund to be remitted to your account so that we can go and enjoy our lives and we are stucked for this long period of time, and I have told you that you should not be afraid of anything as I have all documents and we won't have any trouble, I am really disappointed in you, because let's face it, you have not invested even a dime in this transaction, everything that has been done so far was done my me, and I have told you that I do not have any more money now, you are not being serious at all and that is frustrating and humiliating after all I have invested to make this project a reality, please let me know what you are doing and what is being done towards the clearance and remittance of this fund to your account, this has gone on for so long and you are no longer communicating, are you not ashamed of your attitude over what will lift us up in life, please get this done immediately as it is really getting on my nerves, you and yours are always in my prayers and do get back to me ASAP with update.

Blocked profile September 21 2013 12:22

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