You are an olive - farmer :
You''re growing olive trees -
So many in the number
My mind won''t follow ,
Lips won''t count .
You love your job ,
You love your trees :
I hear you calling them
By sweetest words ,
Like "' buddies "' , ''darlings "'...
Oh , happy olive -trees
In Turkish city Adana ,
You are so loved
By your sweetest farmer - Mehmet .
28.05. ''14
/ S. Grasmane /
Keywords: Veltījums kādam turku fermerim0
...domáju gan.......
Viņš jau to izlasīja un pateicās !
Pajokot dríkst ??? jau ,,izlasíjás,ka Sandis savu,,koronnoe,, job uzrakstíjis.............
Ak,lamígais turku fermeris-tádu veltíjumu sanjems!