Galvenā cilvēku problēma !!!

15. nov 2009. 20:09

Tie nemīl sevi....!!!Mīlestība tiek meklēta ārpusē, bet tur tās nav! Lai atrastu mīlestību, jāmīl sevi.Es saka – jāmīl Dievu sevī! Mēs, cilvēki, esam dievišķi radījumi, Dievs ir katrā no mums.Ja nemīlam sevi, tātad nemīlam Dievu. Ja nemīlam daļu sevis, tātad nemīlam visu sevi. Ja nemīlam vienu cilvēku, tātad nemīlam nevienu. Un, ja nemīlam, tad izaicinām Dievu – Tu, Dievs, esi muļķis, jo neesi visu uztaisījis tā, kā man patīk!
Es saka – iemīli sevī jebko, kas tev sevī nepatīk! Jo pilnīgi jebkas, kas ir mūsos, ir tikai mūsu pašu radīts!!!
Om shanti

Atslegas vārdi: Cilvēks416

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Komentāri (3)

Jaukā T. 16. nov 2009. 09:55

"He believed that the love of his life, if he ever found the Right One, would fill all the gaps of his own personality. She dreamed that her perfect match would always respond gently, never willfully. After the honeymoon phase they naturally began to find imperfections and disappointments. Both wondered if they had chosen the Wrong One. But in a sense, there is no Right One for anyone. In another sense, there may be millions of Right Ones.

The closeness of a partnership will always reveal weaknesses and disappointments that were not obvious at first. No partner will match all the inventions of our own mind or so completely fit our needs that we have no remaining emptiness inside. One person said, “It felt like a terrible day when I finally gave up on my partner. But it became the first day of reality for me. Only after that did I discard the images I had invented for her and begin to get acquainted with who she really was.”

For today, put all your ideas and desires for who your mate should become on the shelf and go only with who your mate is."

Dzēsts profils 16. nov 2009. 08:13

khe khe. yoga visus mīl. pag, tūlīt noskaidrosim, cik noturīga tava ļūbestība.

Jaukā T. 15. nov 2009. 22:12

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