
30. jūl 2011. 19:26

Just a few words and he gave you hope. hope that maybe one day he will be with you.
Now her heart longs for him, and she is waiting for the day will come and they will be together.
Days come and go, time passes quickly. Heart throw somersaults every time when she hear his voice ... when she sees him.He do not know how much she have pain.
She wants to tell him how much she loves him and wants to hug him ... but she is afraid that a refusal would be and she will lose him forever.
The are just friends. Friends with feelings,feelings for which they do not know, but maybe knows but is not confident about theyself

Atslegas vārdi: milestiba - attiecibas7

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Dzēsts profils 31. jūl 2011. 01:30

Skuķīt,Tu esi apmaldījusies,šeit ir latviešu Blogs,Tev jāiet citur!: http://amigos.lv/en/blogs

Kurzemniece E. 30. jūl 2011. 22:39

nelasīšu,baidos sabojāt savu english

Dzēsts profils 30. jūl 2011. 21:03

Vai nebūtu bijis vieglāk to pašu izteikt savā ( latv.) valodā  : 1. nebūtu tā jāpiepūlas ;
                                                                             2. nebūtu tik daudz gramatisku
                                                                                     kļūdu .

