15. okt 2012. 13:31

In order to FTNWO some of us are going to have to be fearless, selfless and determined to expose the techniques, technology and mechanisms being used to dumb and bring down the 'surplus' population while they bring in their diabolical WWIII, Global Domination, Population Reduction and Bio - Technological Enslavement Agenda.It will take much more than that of course, but we need to establish a few guidelines and ground rules that people can take offline and away from all technology...True resistance to these most horrific crimes in human his - story is not only necessary, but our moral, ethical, spiritual and legal duty/obligation.We need to form this resistance to tyranny, genocide, oppression and enslavement and that very long list of capitol crimes which confronts Civilised Man, our women, children, elderly, infirm, clan, country folk, Humanity, Mother Earth, Her creatures and Ecosystems.That the military, law enforcement 'legal' system - our entire power structure is on the other side, culpable and complicit, is a symptom of the global master slave society. It is time for very necessary and long overdue change in the social order.God will not forgive those who stand in our way and neither will any Civilised Man.Be advised: Everything we say and do here is fed into the supercomputer and it issues electronic behaviour modification via the technetronic grid US Foreign Policy Advisor Zbignew Brzezinski talked about in his book Between Two Ages; America's Role in the Technetronic Era 1970. When he stated that they'd use the grid to dumb and bring down the population he actually said that the intellectual gap between the ruling group and the ruled would be so vast that the very idea of rebellion would be as absurd as sheep deciding whether or not to have mutton for dinner and"By the time we're finished with them they'll barely be smart enough to repeat last night's download of news."It is available for download PDF online.Remember; EVERYTHING you do on their NET/WEB is compiled as data so that we classify and process ourselves. It is how they classify and target individuals for technetronic processing.We have all breathed in, eaten, drank or otherwise consumed their poisons and advanced biological and genetic warfare. Using the technetronic grid they can activate whatever components they like with psychotronic resonant frequency in targeted individuals, entire armies or populations.Here is a bit more about that - excuse the cut/paste:the chemtrails are taking us out in more ways than one:Chemtrails/HAARP a key component of an Aerosol - Electromgnetic - Advanced Biological - Technetronic - Weather and Tectonic Warfare System.- tectonic: they're crushing, drowning, pulverising and poisoning Humanity, Mother Earth, Her creatures and ecosystems by creating earthquakes and tsunamis- aerosol - electromagnetic warfare: they're freezing, scorching, starving and blowing us away by causing droughts, floods and super storms, killing off our food supply, spreading chemical and bio warfare from targeted/decommissioned bio weapons facilities. There is a clear mix which can be manipulated into an enormous convex lens to cause droughts and wildfires and melt glaciers, ice caps and mountain snow. There is a "quick diffuse" stealth mix which looks like 'normal' contrails is an electromagnetically charged gas onto which to lay new chemtrails. - poisoned by toxic, carcinogenic and radioactive nano sized aerosolised metal oxides, salts, elements and chemical, biological and nano bio polymer warfare. - technetronic/psychotronic: utilising the technetronic grid, handheld/vehicle mounted devices (directed energy weapons [DEWs]) the globalists' mind controlled military, law enforcement and 'intelligence' minions transmit microwave radiation and psychotronic frequencies to targeted individuals and/or entire groups, armies or populations. This is in urban areas where there is ample coverage from the WiFi/Wimax, Tetra, Telecommunications, Cellphone & GWEN towers, 'smart'meter and electrical power grid.- Utilising the HAARP Screen as a transmitter they can target groups, entire armies, populations and continents with psychotronic resonant frequencies.We are all constantly breathing in significant amounts of 'smart'dust and metal oxides and chemical, biological, advanced biological and genetic, nano bio polymer - electromagnetic and technetronic warfare. When multiplied with the agents' specific frequency to a near fatal or fatal level.The aerosols assist/facilitate our being irradiated by pulses through the wiring in our own homes, through a heightened electromagnetic field of radiation, microwave signals and beams all around us. We are being microwaved through our computers, cellphones, telephones and technology.As I write this trace and/or dormant components of these biological agents are being multiplied and/or stimulated with their specific psychotronic resonant frequency and causing me discomfort (what many call pain) and a myriad of health symptoms.That the pathological parasites have developed a way to decide who lives and dies with no due process of law is clear to me and those closest to me. That this is how they plan to silence, control and incapacitate us as they dumb and bring down the population is crystal clear.Harden Up to the Brutal Truth and FTNWO!

Atslegas vārdi: veselība7048, dzīve38617, cilvēki682, politika3025, bērni75

Komentēt var tikai autorizēti lietotāji

Komentāri (18)

savsem k. 15. okt 2012. 22:40

Vai tad cilvēkiem paliek vieglāk , ja viņi uzzina ar ko viņus indē ?  

Inta D. 15. okt 2012. 22:10

Paškritika laba lieta!  
Jauki, ja cilvēks pats atzīst, ka ir no "Sūnu ciema"!
Ko lai dara - "Sūnu ciems" jau latviešu valodu nesaprot, jādod info tajā mēlē, kas "Sūnu ciemam"pie sirds!

Dzēsts profils 15. okt 2012. 21:37

.....gudriniece......laikam pate rakstījusi

Dzēsts profils 15. okt 2012. 21:32

Nu moins...angļu valodā pienāk info sūnu ciemam
tad jau viņus nemaz par tādiem neuzskata

Dzēsts profils 15. okt 2012. 20:48

jā, esmu maziņa, dažreiz pielavos pie  vecmammītes profīliņa. Viņa neko nesaka, lai tik mācās bērniņš rakstīt un komunicēt ar zemes cilvēkiem Mēs dzīvojam uz Marsa.

Inta D. 15. okt 2012. 19:44

Andiņ - tavs komentārs izskatās pēc maza bērna šļupstiņu. Vai tikai tev nav kādi pieci gadiņi?

Dzēsts profils 15. okt 2012. 19:32

superīgā ķīmija, visas sūnas nokodīs-  
Pasaule būs kā no jauna radīta.

Inta D. 15. okt 2012. 16:38

Es taču teicu - SŪNU CIEMS!  

Elitá K. 15. okt 2012. 16:19

viss taa kaa naakaas -TE-ne tie dazhi pashi dziivo-ne citiem ljauj !!!!  Nenaak ,,jauni,,-tie pashi vecie ,,traili,,

Inta D. 15. okt 2012. 16:03

Amigoss nav vienīgā vieta, kur runāju Chemtrailiem, toties VIENĪGĀ, kur pilns ar stulbiem komentāriem!

Vineta K. 15. okt 2012. 15:48


Dzēsts profils 15. okt 2012. 14:32

......jā paties...un tad kad pati piedomāsi pie tā ka gribas ēst, bet tādi kā te amigosā tev to saražo .....varbūt aizdomāsies, jo ar tukšu vēderu tā bļaustīšanās tāda pašvaka sanāktu....un pati zini kas ēšanai par blakus produktu ....notiks tas kam jānotiek, ar tevi vai bez tevis

Inta D. 15. okt 2012. 14:15

Vai tad mēs sāksim šķirot, kurš ir tiesīgs dzīvot, elpot tīru gaisu, VIENKĀRŠI BŪT VESELS?
Vai Amigoss publika ir kaut kādi nezvēri - kurus vienkārši pamest likteņa varā?
Es domāju, ka nē!
Ja cilvēki savas nezināšanas un muļķības pēc negrib atvērt acis uz notiekošo - tas vēl nedod man tiesības šos cilvēkus nolikt kaut kur zemāk.
Viņiem arī jāzina patiesība. Kad pašus reāli sāks skart veselības,un citas problēmas - tad sāks atvērt acis, bet pagaidām - šī informācija pastāvīgi jātur redzes lokā.
Tāda nu ir sabiedrības vairākuma psiholoģija - viens teica "bē" - un citi tūlīt pakaļ...

jautrite b. 15. okt 2012. 13:43

varbūt šeit nav īstā publika-varbūt kādā nopietnākā portālā

Inta D. 15. okt 2012. 13:41

Lai nav jāmin "kafijas biezumos" - labāk noskaties video!

Dzēsts profils 15. okt 2012. 13:38

tas tikai minējums...varbūt ir vēl kaut kas labāks

Inta D. 15. okt 2012. 13:36

Es nemētājos ar kakām, kā viens otrs!
Ko uztraucies par kakām - ir iemesls?

Dzēsts profils 15. okt 2012. 13:34

kaku uzmetīsi virsū

