i been told by friends photos when young used in amigos by profile user elza minzee.
when come amigos register i looking and see it.why they do this?
stop use of photo i and get your own photos using.
Atslegas vārdi: why photos of i when young used12
Noticed Elza Minze not been on Amigos for a while hopefully gone for good but doubt this.
domu sto veso budet ok
I hope if i can help
I hope if i can help
nice to meet you lady
Labi paldies par komentāru
Teiksi gulbīši nav skaisti.tie simbolizē maigumu mīļumu uzticību!
sorry i speak not english,,, only LATVIAN deutsch
jā nav jauki
Katram savs iemesls slepties zem svesam bildem...kaut varbut tad vispar nelikt bildi.labak neka ielkt lejup ieladetu poulara cilveka bildi..kaut patiesiba loti talu no sava iedomu tela...neistas bildes parada vina intelektu kompleksus..
My photo is original.
Sorry! I'm is whoo I'm is.
Es esmu kas es esmu
(Genesis16;12/Exodus 3;14)
picture plz
Its' so bad :(
yes when she was young she was so so sexy but have to sy that now is also so so sexy and there is a good word that she is as wine
when she is older ,she is more lovely and very sexy
yes photos i can send photo of i when young and now or look photos of i what elza minzee use on fake profile
sexy pictures you have to use
yes pls show me your all pictures