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how many time did u fall in love..one time or..1...2...3....4...times?

30 марта 2010 23:04


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Комментарии (28)

Winston C. 1 апреля 2010 14:59

Maybe because you are just looking for men, he Eric?      

Roosevelt T. 31 марта 2010 16:24

i didnt sea a good girl in this amigos

Winston C. 31 марта 2010 15:53

I guess most men here fall in love many times a day... every time they visit a female profile - just look at the comments!  

Ian F. 31 марта 2010 01:05

I agree with Eric, its not that we go around putting it about. But in our society we do dating from quite an early age. Maybe in some countries this is very strict

Roosevelt T. 31 марта 2010 00:33

No ! Never sex with as many as woman....sex without love doesnt mean close your eyes and do that...I m selective...But what i mean is that i dont wanna end my life with a girl thinking " she love me or not"

mushi m. 31 марта 2010 00:05

for u r kind information i m not failed..even one time...but i agree with u...i think just do sex with  as many as womens..

Roosevelt T. 30 марта 2010 23:43

according to scientific  researches love is harmful for the brain...it has negative effect in advance...but sex is much more prefable. it has tranquilizer  effect on the brain. that is why i prefer sex...

As for your your question. how much you falled in love so much you have brain problem :))))))

Ian F. 30 марта 2010 23:29

not sure  

