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The secrete of women happiness -What make women really happy?

31 марта 2010 16:23

All girls, ladies & women in this site, we men want to know the secret of what really make you happy. Tell all so that we men can be better serve you. From personal experience I know that the following make women happy:
- jewelries
- money
- sex
- toys
- chocolate
- food
- cooking
- love
- chopping and so on.
What make women really happy?

Ключевые слова: sex5970, girl20, womem9, lady2, jewery0

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Комментарии (18)

Удалённый пользователь 8 апреля 2010 14:32

Oh, Eric, you shouldn't be deriving your sexual experience from the porn movies... Watching those will not make you an expert in women.

Удалённый пользователь 7 апреля 2010 17:10

Eric, you're obsessed. I think you should visit social networks for sex dating:)

Roosevelt T. 5 апреля 2010 11:19

no ford....i do the real....but girls are crazy about the sizes...not men !!!

most of the girl have orgasm problem...and they ask bigger one...they think that bigger one will solve their problems...but never !!!

Ian F. 4 апреля 2010 00:51

sorry I mean maybe not mayeb  

Ian F. 4 апреля 2010 00:20

Eric, you been watching too much porn?    in the real world we have conversation and that is so stimulating. Mayeb you should try it sometime, and no talking and cocks (male chicken)

Удалённый пользователь 3 апреля 2010 23:29

Agreed on Lina. Eric, if you think "the bigger the better" then you don't know the first thing about the anatomy of girls. Maybe you never even saw one close. It's not about the size, it's about the technique. It's time you learned that difference.
And stay away from that vacuumpump  

Удалённый пользователь 3 апреля 2010 14:33

Eric Eric
I'm not nervous.
Your statement is as stupid as "all men prefer big boobs" Oh no they don't:)

Roosevelt T. 3 апреля 2010 14:15

lina, all girl prefer big cock...you are not alone....why you are so nervous about it ?

Удалённый пользователь 3 апреля 2010 14:11

Eric, you can read my opinion written below.
You're the worst person I know here, really. and if you say that people that are bad inside are bad outside. Then you must be soooo ugly...

Roosevelt T. 3 апреля 2010 13:40

may be a big cock...i m sure lina is agree with me :)...

lion i. 2 апреля 2010 23:24


Удалённый пользователь 2 апреля 2010 20:19

Out of this list only chopping makes me happy :DDD
Okay, that was a joke.
But you can't find a thing that would make every woman like every person happy:) So you'll have to find out yourself. Sometimes you can just ask. Some girls need gentleness and understanding, others need money and fun, others need sex, others need presents.. it depends on girls and their moods:)

Winston C. 1 апреля 2010 12:15

I really don't think any woman likes or wants to be - "chopped"... well, maybe the butcher wife?  

Удалённый пользователь 1 апреля 2010 10:49

Secrete sounds like "secretome", like something that is being secreted :D (biologist in-joke)
You missed a very important point.
You see, us women want to be more than just a baby-producing, cooking, shopping, jewelry-wearing, chocolate-eating sex machines. And it is a pity that guys like you never see past those few stereotypical things or the sexy body and cute face. I am happy if someone says I am capable of doing something and doing it very well, if not best. And that works also for the technical achievements, education etc, etc, not just the "typical women stuff"

Ian F. 1 апреля 2010 10:32

Tell you what makes them really happy, being reconised as humans and not as sex objects. Being allowed to have their own lives, friends and thoughts. No one likes being controlled.

Ian F. 1 апреля 2010 10:29

Depends on the woman. You have to understand not everyone is the same. Chocolate is a good answer I suppose, would have never put cooking or sex on the list as for chopping I think they prefer shopping.

Roosevelt T. 31 марта 2010 16:49

1. loving them so much
2. good performance :)
3. money

Brainwork B. 31 марта 2010 16:45


