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Why do Latvian girls find it hard to accept there are genuine English men?

5 октября 2010 18:16

Having been Riga about 50 times during the last 6 years, it still amazes me why Latvian woman always think there is a catch when a English guy takes interest in them. I have lost count how many times a Latvian girl has asked me why i want a Latvian girlfriend and not English!
This is my veiw / take on this:
1. Because they dress better, always look their best even if it is just going to the shop. 2. In general they are more loyal than English. 3. they have a better attitude and personality. 4. They do not possess the greed attitude of many English woman. 5. They are simply more beautiful and aprechiates what a good man does for them!
I would be interested to hear any other comments from anyone else on this subject also...these are just my personal findings :)

Ключевые слова: Latvian Woman16

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Комментарии (21)

Ian F. 26 марта 2012 18:36

why do you go to Riga so much when the last person is about to turn out the light lol

cameroon c. 11 марта 2011 13:25

I think the problem was about you :) Latvian girls are innocent  

Ian F. 5 декабря 2010 12:36

another reply to your blog Andy, it takes time to get to know people and gain their trust, in England I spend alot of times with Latvians, male and female but its taken ages to get to know them. Your 50 visits in 6 years will not help you.

Ian F. 19 октября 2010 15:13

There are nice girls all around the world

Удалённый пользователь 13 октября 2010 19:54

Ray young is so right! Truth is so hard to believe, but it what it is :(

Winston C. 8 октября 2010 00:24

tanny ahmed = Truman Roosevelt = ERIC!!! How are you mate? Long time no see!!!

Удалённый пользователь 7 октября 2010 23:53

dont know why?bt i think is bcos they think we just want fuck em and leave them...or they think they to good for us...but when they have a taste,they cant get eough.. Its very hard for them to find new cock,sorry penis ...simply bcos they too stuck up ,if you not rich,you may aswell have a wank,an that  most  of em are beutiful,but some are just nasty,they maybe have looks,but they have ugly personalities,thats only my personal findings...any 1 else? sorry about language.

lion i. 7 октября 2010 00:27

all ladies look like latvian ladies....So dont think much....love them

Удалённый пользователь 6 октября 2010 21:30

ha ha ha ..i like your opinion Andy.. i am agree with it 100% and belive the same...
but you do realise some times we looking at the grasses at neighbour garden and thinking there are greener than ours...lol
but i do aprechiate what you saying man!

sedat d. 6 октября 2010 18:01

hello all :))

eM r. 6 октября 2010 11:21

lets better not say "latvian" girls or russian or etc.. I think this not about nationality, this is mostly about some other parameters, such as economy, education level etc.. Here in turkey we also have that kind of girls just looking into ur wallet and decide if u are enough or not, and i m sure u would see similar kinds in all around the world.. I also dont know if this is really so bad or not, because if someone has money dependent dreams for her future, ofcourse this makes sense, it is just another subject.. I also want to mention that there are men around who want to find rich women as well..

Ray Y. 6 октября 2010 09:41

I also believe that the Russian women are different here. They are are very loyal with a very different attitude. They also like every women in the C.I.S. region will expect the man to pay for everything and I mean everything! However they are much more mature with there feelings and loyalty and commitment and if you are willing to accept that you pay for everything you will be happy !!!!    

keiron w. 6 октября 2010 09:31

Are you hi???  

Ray Y. 6 октября 2010 09:17

After living here for a few years now I could not disagree more I find with all ex pats that getting a real women in Latvia is a big problem. Loyalty is the biggest problem. These women fall in love with you and at first appear loyal and in love and with 99% of expats the same is true and then all of a sudden they turn around and say they do not think they ever loved you it was just infatuation and leave and move on straight away.So in fact these women are very cold and heartless and if you lived here you would understand .So is true that these women are very superficial and are generally only out to use take what they can and have no real desire to commitment. They also cheat within a heartbeat unless your wallet is good and thick. It disappoints to say all this as i have disbelieved others for a long time but after 2 years of watching these women and being with these women I am compelled to accept the truth.    

peter j. 6 октября 2010 03:01

I am an Englishman living and working in Latvia. Many of your ideas are correct to the bone, like women world wide, it is hard to really know what they think. But yes Latvian ladies are great

Удалённый пользователь 6 октября 2010 01:06

Just be yourself and respect whom your talking with, never be rude, always dress to
impress if only for youeself, Latvijan women like to be treated well. I'm American Brititsh, which sucks for me I'm hated on both parts

Winston C. 5 октября 2010 22:57

Thanks Tuncis, but to be honest that's not really new to me...  ;)

And Lizzy, that's a good and simple way of telling some people how Latvians really are :)

I guess the main point here is that... some people can't distiguish a Latvian from a Russian regarding attitude, behaviour, etc etc

Удалённый пользователь 5 октября 2010 22:21

To Mmmmm Tuncis - I don't think you needed to explain that all to Winston :D

Anyway, I am a Latvian and I tend to "Nationalise" people by their ethnicity. And therefore I'd agree mostly with your first comment, except in some points. Because there is a big chance that most of the well-dresses attention-demanding girls could be Russians. You should know by now, if you've indeed lived in LV for over 10 years, that there is a bit of difference in mentality between Russians and Latvians. Russian women tend to be more passionate, more womanly woman, more asking for a care from a man, they care much more about their looks, and they have sometimes a completely different sense of style.

Удалённый пользователь 5 октября 2010 22:09

To Winston..

In the UK we have a slightly different view on Nationality than here in Latvia.. Based more on where you are born rather than ethenticity..

of course as in any society, there are differing groups.. some based on beliefs, some on skin colour.. some hair style (hippies).. I personally fall into the "athiest ginger tomcat" group :-)

If you were born in England, you are "English"
If you were born in Wales, you are Welsh..
If you were born in Scotland, your are Scottish

All the above are also British or "Brits"..

For those of you who are confused or want to know why we "cheat" by having 4 teams entered into many sporting competitions..

The "UK" consists of Great Britain, plus N.Ireland plus a few other islands/territories.. of which Great Britain basically consists of 3 countries.. England, Wales and Scotland..

But to REALLY confuse you..
The Isle of Man (a small island between England and Ireland), which is part of "British Isles" is NOT in the "UK" and is NOT in the European Union :-)

Winston C. 5 октября 2010 21:20

Absolutely agree with Mmm Tuna, apologise... Tuncis!
As you say, if you have been here for 50 times, you should already know most of this :)

One more point in there and a little question... What you mean with "English"??? In the UK there are more "Brit's" from somewhere else than actually English... Latvians are very aware of that :D

