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Why do Latvian girls find it hard to accept there are genuine English men?

5 октября 2010 18:16

Having been Riga about 50 times during the last 6 years, it still amazes me why Latvian woman always think there is a catch when a English guy takes interest in them. I have lost count how many times a Latvian girl has asked me why i want a Latvian girlfriend and not English!
This is my veiw / take on this:
1. Because they dress better, always look their best even if it is just going to the shop. 2. In general they are more loyal than English. 3. they have a better attitude and personality. 4. They do not possess the greed attitude of many English woman. 5. They are simply more beautiful and aprechiates what a good man does for them!
I would be interested to hear any other comments from anyone else on this subject also...these are just my personal findings :)

Ключевые слова: Latvian Woman16

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Удалённый пользователь 5 октября 2010 20:28

I'm a Brit who has been living in LV for over 10 years..

Why are you amazed? The question is one everyone would ask..

Why a Lady from Latvia?..
..Are you serious?
..Are you going to live and work here in Latvia?


..Do you EXPECT a girl to want to leave her family, home and country to live in another country with different traditions, language etc?
..or are you just visit 9-10 times a year for a bit of fun..

I agree with a lot of your generalised description but would add that here there is a tendancy for the lady to expect the man to always "look after" her (a lot more so than in the UK).. going "Dutch" is not a trait that shows itself until a long time into a relationship..

Ladies here are also a lot more sensitive to the regular "attention" they get from you..

There are also many women here who are often Very pretty, immaculately dressed etc who are very very money orientated.. who are not particulary loyal (except to an open wallet).. unfortunately not all are that easy to recognise at first ;-)

Remember that your "always well dressed" lady will ultimately expect the same of yourself.. and all too often, the "Ford" will be considered ordinary and will have to go! All your cash/credit spent on large Lexus/BMW 4x4's, this years designer clothes, shoes, more shoes as well as 3-4 or more exotic holidays.. (not your Ryanair DIY versions)..

Latvian Ladies really are the BEST but choose wisely.. and using your organs above your waist :-)

