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All year long!

4 января 2011 01:15

I think abouth you!
usualy I do that!
In the spring times...
so whts?

I lave to tuch me
with my fingers.
I the summers times...
so whts?

I am sad an lonliy
and if only...?
In the authum times
so whts?

I so you in the stars
and I am happy
In the winter times..
so whts?

All year you are wtih me,
some day you will seee!
I am true in lave in you
and there is nathing i ken do!

Ключевые слова: sex5970, pārdomas691, 20105

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Комментарии (2)

Arnis m. 7 января 2011 21:25

i would love to touch you with my fingers as well!!    

Удалённый пользователь 4 января 2011 05:07

All year you are with me, and I understand you!

