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Is sex a tiring act or a rejuvenating act ??

26 августа 2011 21:37

The books say that sex if done in the right way is a rejuvenating act .......... but after sex most men and women feel drained................ if it is rejuvenating then why is the universal timing of sex is the night time ............. when anyways people will sleep ............ so what is it ??? :))

Ключевые слова: sex5970, action14, men13, women69, rejuvenation0

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Комментарии (2)

Exotic G. 4 мая 2012 14:00

If done with the body then tiring .... if done with the mind then rejuvenating ..... night is the best time in either case as if u r tired then best time to sleep and if it is rejuvenating then the best rejuvenation takes place whilst sleeping which is best done in night :))

If you still cant figure it out then have mental sex and try to sleep in the day and post the results ..... our research is ON :)

Geraldo O. 28 августа 2011 17:27

Tiring to me

