2ПонравилосьKevin M. Его блог (41)

He's not the best he's just a pest....

27 сентября 2012 14:36

we are talking about "Waltere the best" here. He is a sexual predator on this site who preys on women here with the same tired old bullshit!. He is a socially retarded emotional cripple, so ladies you have been warned! Don't listen to his shit or respond to it otherwise he wont leave you alone! you will get bombarded with messages from him...the same pidgin english messages he sends to every girl here who accepts his friendship invitation! he is a needy, supplicating idiot lol. And as for his granny "friend" Justme Forever...well the least said about her the better! Any old woman who tries to act young is a sad and pathetic waste of skin!.....and her blogs are always weird and make no sense at all! :D. Between her and Waltere they think they own Amigos! I am sure i am not the only one here who is sick of seeing their boring, banal, inane, senseless blogs every time i log into Amigos! Anways....that is my opinion! enjoy! ;))

Ключевые слова: waltere the best justme forever0

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faiz m. 27 сентября 2012 19:35

hahaha  pest....u really a funny man..i read ur ur comments...carry on man..good luck

