2ПонравилосьKevin M. Его блог (41)

Formerly known as "Waltere thebest" this idiot is constantly changing his name and profile here...look at these links

1 декабря 2012 22:51



He is changing the name and picture of the first profile link constantly (the first link is his original waltere thebest profile which he keeps changing the name and picture of) and he is using both these profiles to put disgusting images of men's private parts along with him spewing his racist ramblings.

Ключевые слова: Your time is over here0

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Удалённый пользователь 15 марта 2013 03:04

Kevin M. 1 декабря 2012 23:33

He's so simple you couldn't even discuss the colour of orange juice with him!!!lol

Karim X. 1 декабря 2012 23:31

It's long ago someone has hacked his peanut brain! lol

Kevin M. 1 декабря 2012 23:28

No hacker here after him....all in his tiny mind! Lol

Karim X. 1 декабря 2012 23:20

He thinks there is a hacker after him... but who really cares about him??? A hacker would have deleted him for long ago ;) What shows he's an imbecile is that he doesn't get why EVERYBODY hates him here... why nobody is on his side ;) If he was behaving intentionally here, I would understand... but no, he IS what he writes and say! A total soup of nonsense ... just read his old blogs and u will understand!!

Kevin M. 1 декабря 2012 23:12

Well said  

Karim X. 1 декабря 2012 23:09

Plus he creates so much pollution here! Blogs should be where we exchange ideas, opinions, share music... But he turned it into a gayporn and nonsense place! Kick him out of here!! The ignorant gay racist ugly Italian cunt's time on Amigos is OVER!!!!

Kevin M. 1 декабря 2012 22:59

Karim is 100% right. You are advised to delete and block this parasite especially if you are female. Converse with this idiot at your own risk!

Karim X. 1 декабря 2012 22:54

So watch out people and especially girls, this guy is an unstable pervert changing 3 times a minute is identity not to be caught! My advice : delete him from your contacts, tell your other friends to do the same and block him!

