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Happy Easter holidays! :)

28 марта 2013 23:43

If the easter bunny visits you then don't eat too much chocolate easter eggs please ;)))

Ключевые слова: Easter weekend2

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Комментарии (12)

Kevin M. 31 марта 2013 22:15

Lizzys got in the spirit of things and been munching away ;)

Kevin M. 31 марта 2013 22:13

Haha you should of indulged in one lol. I did earlier but my waistline won't thank me for it I'm sure :p...." A minute on the lips is a lifetime on the hips" lol

Aiga N. 31 марта 2013 21:26

Thanks, but no eggs for me this year. Better eat carrots like an Easter bunny lol

Удалённый пользователь 30 марта 2013 23:22

too late, been well fed with chocolate eggs so far! Happy Easter too!
P.S. not only men get like kids. A few years ago two grown up highly educated women for a moment believed in Easter bunny because the bag of chocolate eggs kept refilling itself every morning and nobody knew who did that!

Kevin M. 29 марта 2013 16:05

yeah :)....i think men are all big kids when it comes t things like this :))

Karim X. 29 марта 2013 11:46

Well it could almost summarize our childhood's good memories isn't it? :)

Kevin M. 29 марта 2013 00:36

Love that kinder chocolate.....and The massive toy is a bonus! ;)

Karim X. 29 марта 2013 00:26

Omg yes yes!!!

Kevin M. 29 марта 2013 00:08

..... I like the big kinder ones ;)

Karim X. 29 марта 2013 00:03

It's a bit your fault, u published so tasty one on your FB, I couldn't resist until Sunday morning lol

Kevin M. 28 марта 2013 23:45

Haha! You know they are too tasty to resist ;)

Karim X. 28 марта 2013 23:44

thank u! About the eggs it's already too late lol

