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How to sleep

22 мая 2013 13:29

With a right hand under his right cheek to calm the human body and fast sleep, and dispensing of people who suffer from anxiety and stress eating Sandman

These studies conducted research team headed by American expatriate Egyptian scientist Dr. Gamal Eddin Ibrahim, a professor of toxicology, California, and director of the Center for Life Sciences "Life Science Lab" in the United States of America.

Said Dr. Jamal Ibrahim This study comes within the framework of the direction of the centers and research institutes U.S. new towards reliance on nature and resorted to in solving problems therapeutic implications of harmful side effects, and toxins that result from the use of chemical drugs, reported the Middle East News Agency.

He added that his research team in this study was based on the results of previous research conducted recently in Britain on children, and pointed out that the children sleep on the right شقهم of the Pacific helps them to sleep easily and prevent nightmares.

He pointed out that he and his research when applying the results of research British adults found that the heart works effort less if it is in the upper part of the body, a situation that happens when you sleep on the right side, Fadkh heart blood to part of the bottom of it easily, which helps to calm the body Rights and rapid sleep.

He said that on the other hand, the human tense when the electric charges accumulate in the brain when you place the right hand under his right cheek when sleep is discharged harmful excess of those shipments in the brain.

He explained that the twofold left and right of the human body is identical electromagnetic, Vaahnat electricity in the right part of the body is less than the right pane to the presence of the heart, and the right part of the human brain controls the left half of the body and vice versa, and therefore when you put the right hand under the cheek happens discharging electric charges from the right part of the brain to the right hand least shipments, which helps human to relax and sleep easily readily

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Комментарии (22)

Karim X. 22 мая 2013 18:39

Ibra Ibra, u feel up blogs with nonsense blogs... do u get what u write?? Make short and clear and stop this copy paste

Kevin M. 22 мая 2013 16:02

Close your eyes.... Should help you sleep lol. But reading this copy and paste blog is enough to put anyone asleep!

