1ПонравилосьDenis C. Его блог (34)

The Chinese Translation of a Latvian Story

19 января 2014 15:37

Friends, here is the translation of Kārlis Skalpe's Kā Jānis Brauca Nezināmo Meklēt, originally written in 1917. The translation was published for the second time on a certain newspaper in China. It is considered to be the first literary works ever translated directly from the Latvian language into Chinese. A very kind Latvian lady gave me greatest linguistic help. At the end of the article you will also find some words in English.

Ключевые слова: Story13, Latvian21, Chinese7

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Комментарии (3)

Удалённый пользователь 19 января 2014 16:27

Right you translated from Latvia to Chinese.

Denis C. 19 января 2014 16:19

I did this translation.

Удалённый пользователь 19 января 2014 15:43

Denis it is interesting you found out about this.

