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Família Real -Pedras Preciosas- / Copyright @ Valter Santos Corporation All right Reserved

9 апреля 2014 23:36

Welcome a Famíly Real Pedras Preciosas

Blessed be our family
Blessed be the children of our children
Blessed be our work
Blessed be our company
Blessed be our grandchildren
Blessed be at all times
May the Lord bless us greatly
Jesus be praised

Blessed be our family

Who loves and obeys the Lord and joyfully fulfills his commandments is a life full of blessings and joys.
He will protect you from the bonds of the fowler and from the evil and envious men.
Your family will be rich and famous throughout the land; their children and grandchildren of the man who fears the Lord will be blessed by God in the city and the countryside, and everywhere.
He will never be defeated by the difficulties of life ...
Psalm 112
salmoda family

Valter Santos

Ключевые слова: This is our wonderful gang. Join0

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Комментарии (1)

Удалённый пользователь 10 апреля 2014 10:08

kādā jēgā armijnieks---tik laimīgā pasaulē?

