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About breathing and electricity

2 февраля 2013 15:21

Breathes easy,
When hear playing
AC / DC.

Ключевые слова: About breathing and electricity1

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Комментарии (5)

Karim X. 3 февраля 2013 03:43

Now we understand why he was hiding hehe ;) Nobody has any respect for him. Many of us wished to meet you in real but we all know that you're a pathetic weird coward fag with no life

Kevin M. 2 февраля 2013 21:48

Only one coward here.... Some Italian idiot who has hidden his identity here for years lol. Well not no more, we all can see on my blog what an ugly motherfucka you are lol

Kevin M. 2 февраля 2013 21:39

Would slap you down Walter anywhere! I will kick your goofy teeth back down your ugly wop throat lol

Aiga N. 2 февраля 2013 19:57

AC/DC - Highway to hell!  

Kevin M. 2 февраля 2013 19:55

There's only one idiot here.... YOU WALTER!

