Blocked profile March 12 2013 16:15

Похоже, у вас есть проблемы с вы любите жизнь
Ваш блог на английском странице, просто увидел  там

in record «письмо»
Blocked profile March 9 2013 17:06

Yes he is Kaspars people like this are.

in record «Hello people»
Blocked profile March 9 2013 16:45

Walter you are disgrace Italian fool

in record «Hello people»
Miss A. March 9 2013 11:43

Labdien, mans dārgais, [ ]
Laimīgu pārtikušu Jauno gadu!
Ceru Saule lec izpaužas jums labi, un jums ir bauda laika, raktuves
Laiks ir auksts un duļķains šodien, tas bija ļoti liela, kad es saņemt savu profilu šajā burvīgajā vietā, un es jutos ļoti dzirksteli manā sirdī, neskatoties, ka es neesmu redzējis tevi personīgi, bet savu profilu tiešām deva man jauku baudu, lai sazinātos ar jums un redzēt, kā saule spīd patīk. Jūs varat sasniegt mani caur par vienkāršākais sakaru un es nosūtīt savu attēlu, lai jūs kā Jūsu Adut ar mīlestību un apskāvieniem,
Tiklīdz es dzirdu jūs caur e-pastu; [ ]
_____ **** __________ **** ______
___ *** ____ *** ____ *** __ *** ____
__ *** ________ **** _______ *** ____
_ *** __________ ** _________ *** __
_ *** _____________________ *** _
_ *** ________JUST _________ *** __
__ *** _____ SHOWING______ *** ___
___ *** ______SO M E_______ *** ____
____ *** _____LOVE______ *** _____
______ *** ___________ *** _______
________ *** _______ *** _________
__________ *** ___ *** ___________
____________ ***** _____________
_____________ *** _____________
______________ * _____________ ..
[ ]
ceru dzirdēt no jums drīz.

in record «Beards»
Blocked profile March 8 2013 21:33

Nice words and I like the video

in record «When...»
Blocked profile March 8 2013 21:30

Well I have been on this site some days now and many people give me a nice welcome.
When its private messages I get some rude ones off men and some nice just had one swear at me from Denmark after he sent me some mixed comments though he claimed one was a joke.He then blocked me i did him.Why are some men like this and cannot accept no as the answer
Some men have been nice though.
Females do not write rude comments and are more respectful sorry men if I offend you just impressions I get most of thew time.
Out of respect to nice men thank you for you messages

in record «Hello people»
Blocked profile March 8 2013 16:06

Men always arguing
I do not know what to these different versions of what is wrote I am new here.
You seem to have a go at each other in sequence.
Walter I do not know what to believe about you after seeing things you wrote on this site
I can see so much about you and what others do write I cannot make my mind up about you are you who you seem to be
Franco I read your blogs you and Walter do not seem to like each other.
John why the personal attacks on these two
Seems like you have had past issues with Walter.
You had a go at Franco also but then apoligised.
Please stop your bickering I am a big girl and can look after myself.
I am for free speech but i like positevs not negatives can you stop this

in record «Hello people»
Blocked profile March 8 2013 15:22

Franco sorry maybe a bit harsh on you as it seems like Walter has upset you.
I should not judge you as you have done nothing against me.
Walter should be ashamed of himself but he is not he has problems with something in his life and is disturbed its obvious.

in record «Hello people»
Blocked profile March 8 2013 14:45

Hello Isabella,
Welcome to Amigos it has its good points and bad.
Beware of Walter he is not what he seems to be.He has problem issues with many other people on this site i do not know why it has gone on for a long time.
There is also another Italian idiot called Franco DiCannio who writes a lot of rubbish.
Sorry if i sound negative but avoid these two and enjoy the site good luck with it.

in record «Hello people»
Blocked profile March 7 2013 13:59

Hello and thank you Just me forever,Lizzy Dee Vee and London Vurgun

in record «Hello people»
Blocked profile March 7 2013 10:01

Hello Isabella  

in record «Hello people»
Blocked profile March 7 2013 09:36

Hey Isabella,
Welcome to this site and good luck finding the good people to talk with. Here's all sorts of them :)

in record «Hello people»
london v. March 7 2013 01:09


in record «Hello people»
Blocked profile March 7 2013 01:00

Thank you Anna,
I live in Malmo the third largest city in Sweden.
My job is a stylist.
I know Latvian people in Sweden they told me about this website.
Decided to try it see what it is like.

in record «Hello people»
Anna S. March 7 2013 00:17


I am Anna from Boston.  Where are  you living and what are you up to in your life?  I am interested in your Latvia connection to this site.


in record «Hello people»
Blocked profile March 4 2013 19:00

Blocked profile March 4 2013 18:47

Blocked profile March 4 2013 18:45

Blocked profile March 1 2013 14:05

My in-laws have a cat and a dog, that little ball of fluff stood his ground against a full-grown dog from day 1! Now they're playing together and it's hilarious to see the dog walking around with the cat just hanging in her moustache (luckily for dog it's rough hair). Some cats just are not afraid of anything!

Blocked profile March 1 2013 13:48

Damn, can't add videos myself, but if someone could find on YouTube video titled "Don't pet this kitty / Angry cats compilation"... no joking around with cats

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