Blocked profile January 9 2013 11:21

Yes i think its her best song

in record «pink-try»
Peterbald S. January 6 2013 00:43

I'm Latvian girl living in London.

Wake up Svetlana, I'm very sorry to hear about your sad experience,but you need to realise that you brought it on yourself in a way,no one asked you or forced you to marry him,it was your choice,also don't ever and I mean ever judge people on their nationality!
This is also applicable to few of commentators on your blog, there are good and bad people in every single country,you can't just paint all Pakistanis black or white, I personally have friends from all over the world, including Pakistan, and believe me, I haven't got anything bad to say, and also some commentators should realise there are good and bad people in Latvia too, I'm proud to be Latvian,and I'm proud to have Pakistani friends, some humanity and being more wiser who you chat to and make friends as a result would help.
Wish you good luck and less judgement on people.

Kevin M. January 4 2013 12:30

we all hate you waltere thats why people block you not realised this yet??  

iamWalter t. January 3 2013 21:31

if you did not understand what miss lizzy deevee wrote, here my rough translation:

As I mentioned - you and Happy New Year! You might be fun to know that the New Year's table was laid and Chinese dumplings (Chinese dumplings), which was her husband's brother's wife (CHINESE) handmade. And at Christmas she regaled us with Peking duck.

i really dont know what it means in reality as she is used to write senseless history and used to block people without real reasons. like just me forever

Blocked profile January 3 2013 13:04

Kā jau iepriekš - Tev arī Laimīgu Jauno Gadu! Tev varbūt būs jautri zināt, ka Jaunā Gada svinībās galdā tika likti arī ķīniešu pelmeņi (chinese dumplings), kas bija vīra brāļa sievas (ķīnietes) roku darbs. Un Ziemassvētkos viņa mūs cienāja ar Pekinas pīli.

Blocked profile January 2 2013 23:31

Marek Visone 23:14

What is wrong  ?  
Here  is told - I wish more happiness not only for New Year eve, but for all the year as well.

in record «Happy New Year !»
Paul D. January 2 2013 23:14

Thanks but this is worded wrong! lol I think people being alone on new years eve will not like to be reminded they will be alone all year as well...bit depressing....

in record «Happy New Year !»
iamWalter t. January 2 2013 15:16

hi denis,
i dont know what it is written in latvian but i would not reccommend you to receive wishes from JustMe Forever who blocked me for unreasonable reasons.
buon anno!!

Blocked profile January 1 2013 15:09

Paldies Denis.  
Un Tev laimīgu Jauno Gadu.
Happy New Year !

Simon G. December 31 2012 15:31

Thanks heppay new years to you too

in record «Happy New Year !»
Blocked profile December 31 2012 15:09

  2013  and 2017 i go in pension  

in record «Happy New Year !»
Raisa O. December 29 2012 22:02

Mini U. December 27 2012 01:06


in record «Merry Christmas !»
Blocked profile December 26 2012 14:51

Thanks !  

in record «Merry Christmas !»
lion i. December 26 2012 13:52

I wish you too ,Mery

in record «Merry Christmas !»
Blocked profile December 26 2012 13:27

in record «Merry Christmas !»
Blocked profile December 26 2012 13:20

Merry Christmas! And since you're apparently a German speaker, then I can tell I started the Christmas celebration by singing in Bach's Weihnachtsoratorium.

Blocked profile December 26 2012 13:16

You too - merry Christmas!

in record «Merry Christmas !»
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