Blocked profile January 29 2013 00:56

Beautiful video the groom so popular with everybody because he so nice  
Do you have other nice video you can put on Amigos please do.

in record «Made my day!»
Blocked profile January 29 2013 00:52


Blocked profile January 29 2013 00:46

This song is about truth it good song.

Blocked profile January 29 2013 00:45

This song beautiful.

Blocked profile January 29 2013 00:38

I so confused these blogs Walter?

in record «Guess who i am»
Blocked profile January 29 2013 00:37

What this about i do not understand it sound two different story here?

Blocked profile January 28 2013 22:03


Your comment has been deleted in record "someone makes fake blogs using my foto" in blog WALTER theBest

Bisquit Hamson 21:40

Bisquit Hamson 21:39


Your comment has been deleted in record "someone makes fake blogs using my foto" in blog WALTER thebestORIGINAL


    Nationalism, extremism

    Мат, грубость, пошлость или оскорбления


Your comment has been deleted in record "someone makes fake blogs using my foto" in blog WALTER theBest


    Nationalism, extremism

Blocked profile January 28 2013 21:56


Your comment has been deleted in record "someone makes fake blogs using my foto" in blog WALTER theBest

call police and webmaster please do you write this on many blogs fake threats.
they will check all your records on your blogs and on other people`s.
naked photos links of naked men,photos which may be you also insults.
you have no respect for others?
why not do a blog saying sorry to everyone and be nice to them they may forgive you but not forget.treat people nice and you will not be bothered turn over a new leaf.first say sorry to me and others.
i got geoff mason,john palmer,eric taibans and others to leave the site as they bothered me you could be next!!!

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Your comment has been deleted in record "someone makes fake blogs using my foto" in blog WALTER theBest

WALTER thebestORIGINAL 20:56

tur vienmēr ir dažas idiots, izmantojot manu vārdu, un es ienīstu šo, jo viņi neievēro savu privātumu un mana dzīve!
ne jūs to saprotat? Es ma upuris šajā spēlē
there's always some idiot using my name, and I hate this, because they do not respect my privacy and my life!
do not you understand it? I am victim of this game

    Мат, грубость, пошлость или оскорбления


Blocked profile January 28 2013 21:55


Your comment has been deleted in record "someone makes fake blogs using my foto" in blog WALTER theBest

cilvēki izmanto savu vārdu, jo jūs ievainots citiem tās nebūtu, ja tu būtu normāli.
jūs apnikt citiem cilvēkiem `s privātuma sūtot ziņu uz manu profilu un daudzām citām girls.there ir pavediens es esmu sieviete?
Jūs sajukums mani otru month.i nav aizmirsis.
Jūs rakstīt jauki tad runāt seksuālo un sūtīt porno foto izdzēst draugiem jūs lūgt vēlreiz draugs man aizgāja izmisīgu cilvēks!
Jūsu dzīve ir šeit izjaukt citi iegūt mūža rāpot!
rakstīt jums ir upuris, cik citas meitenes šeit upuru pat daži vīrieši?
kāpēc jūs nekad apstāties hurting cilvēki, kad jūs nevarat veikt pats?
people use your name because you hurt others they would not if you were normal.
you bother other people`s privacy sending messages to my profile and many other girls.there is a clue i am female?
you upset me the other month.i did not forget.
you write nice then talk sexual and send porno photo i delete as friend you ask again friend i gone desperate man!
your life is on here upset others get a life creep!
you write you are a victim how many other girls on here victims even some males?
why do you never stop hurting people when you cannot take it yourself?

    Мат, грубость, пошлость или оскорбления


Blocked profile January 28 2013 21:54

why not delete others from your friends list also many of these deleted you.
first time i have notice you remove someone from friends you sad person.

Blocked profile January 28 2013 21:53

WALTER theBest deleted your from friends

Your comment has been deleted in record "someone makes fake blogs using my foto" in blog WALTER theBest

WALTER thebestORIGINAL His blog (29)
someone makes fake blogs using my foto

but i will call the police and amigos webmaster

Keywords: idiots are always walking around

    Мат, грубость, пошлость или оскорбления


Blocked profile January 28 2013 20:46


in record «Guess who i am»
Blocked profile January 28 2013 17:39

Thanks Karina.

Blocked profile January 28 2013 17:31

Blocked profile January 28 2013 17:30

in record «pink-try»
Blocked profile January 28 2013 17:28

Blocked profile January 28 2013 14:35

Stupid idiot stay off my blogs!

in record «Guess who i am»
Kevin M. January 28 2013 13:01

a cunt maybe?

in record «Guess who i am»
Blocked profile January 28 2013 06:04

your life also aiga:)
do you want to be again my friend at my conditions?
i demand it.

in record «Made my day!»
Blocked profile January 28 2013 05:46

Es labāk drīz

in record «Guess who i am»
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