Blocked profile January 29 2012 21:43

Don't dream
Well, you cannot deny that the text you claimed as your own was copied from a blog from 2008 (as shown in the link). Only thing you added was some little changes (because in the original it was America) to make it look like about Latvia and people of Latvia.

in record «I like it more....»
iamWalter t. January 29 2012 21:39

i dedicate this video to Lizzy and the last comment she made in an inaccurate and undelicated manner...

in record «I like it more....»
Blocked profile January 29 2012 19:54

Certainly... I think, that nobody will argue that money - not  the important factor in a life of each person.
But, personally for me is unacceptable to do a cult of money....
The life - is diverse. And except for money I have other necessary factors in my life: love, laughter, good or bad weather, stars in the night sky, dialogue with relatives and friends.. And only in aggregate all it is my life. My life finds something valuable.

in record «I like it more....»
Blocked profile January 29 2012 12:23

I am always amused, Waltere, how you are trying to pass a 4-year old copied text as your own... It was clearly not your writing.

in record «I like it more....»
Amneet S. January 29 2012 12:22


in record «I like it more....»
iamWalter t. January 29 2012 10:36

I read a very interesting blog post by Paul Buchheit titled Is there more to life than money? which got me thinking about whether money directly relates to happiness.

The context of Paul’s post stirs up a couple of interesting issues, namely;

•Will you make more money working for a startup?
•Does money make you happy?
•Love what you do and don't think to escape your daily problems with sky stars and bullshit like that

These are the core points of interest I took from it.

Many will argue that money is an object that, while making life a little easier, doesn’t or can’t buy happiness – my view is slightly different and I think I’ve had enough education in this regard.

Here’s my take, in the simplest form:- when I had money life was never better and when I didn’t have it I couldn’t cope with life.

I think it’s very easy to say money isn’t important when you’ve got a lot of it but when you haven’t got it, it’s the most stressful part of living life. Financial burden is the #1 stress in Latvia or for latvian gils in and abroad and I would imagine that Africa is not far off that.

I do subscribe to the notion that money isn’t everything but I also believe that it is a major, critical facet of life today. If we can take the need for money out of our life’s equation then we will be free to live life as it’s meant to be lived but as long as it remains a means for survival nobody can tell me money isn’t important or doesn’t create an immense amount of unhappiness and stress.

Financial freedom = Happiness
finacial diseas of latvian ladies= concerns and sadness

in record «I like it more....»
Blocked profile January 29 2012 10:02

Астерикс ! Если такое произойдёт , то я не буду голову ломать над такой загадкой... Я просто "пройду мимо"....

in record «I like it more....»
Blocked profile January 29 2012 00:05

Я не знаю, что Вам хотелось бы, чтобы сопутствовало или реализовывалось в жизни, но в следующий раз я помещу блог, посвящённый Форевер, на языке древних Майя.
Любопытно, как Вы будете выкаблучиваться, если Вам посвящено будет?  

in record «I like it more....»
Blocked profile January 28 2012 12:39

You are generalizing again from your limited experience with money diggers alone. I told you, there are a whole population of girls that are not going around clubs getting drunk. But unfortunately for you they are also too good to fall for guys like you.

iamWalter t. January 28 2012 12:32

you read only half of my message, very strange!!
you clearly skip and avoid to comment the second part which is the most important: it is the problem affecting all the latvian ladies in latvia and abroad, ie the alcholism.
dont you think that the drunk breath of a drunk lady is one of the worst thingh in the world?
i can understand if a lady did not study at the university but not if she is all the time drinking balzams or vodka to forget her problems and failures

Blocked profile January 28 2012 12:04

Waltere, too much porn is really affecting your real life perception. Therefore I am not going to respond to your pathetic attempts anymore. It is useless anyway.

Blocked profile January 28 2012 09:07

Waltere ! NEVER !

iamWalter t. January 28 2012 08:14

i really love to feel and to see all your kisses stamped all over my body ...mmmhhh....
i get excited when i see pink lipstick kisses left by Forever and redlipstick kisses by Lizzy all over my chest my cheeck my neck my mouth and many more other parts of my body....     
but - above all - i am glad that you don't do this because you are drunk but conscionsly and deliberately
infact i dont like when a lady is doing this to me under the effect of alchool, i found it unfair and of low level from a social point of view

Blocked profile January 27 2012 23:15

Waltere ... You  - the dreamer....

Blocked profile January 27 2012 22:51

Keep on dreaming and watch some more porn for your imaginations. Just please don't bother writing them down.

iamWalter t. January 27 2012 22:49

i would like to dance like in the videoclip in a sandwich manner
me in the middle in beetween lizzy and forever ....dancing & drinking and more more (kissing and maybe more if you both are not drunk as russian and latvian girls are....)

Blocked profile January 27 2012 17:02

Indeed, I am also surprised to hear the news that I am a GF. By the way, that song is mindless and stupid.

manuel t. January 27 2012 15:54

Blocked profile January 27 2012 09:54

(my GFs) ???????????
Walter... Only you have forgotten about it to inform me before to write it publicly!

Solomon W. January 27 2012 01:50

Its bull shit

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