iamWalter t. November 22 2011 22:34

she does why you beat her simply because she did something wrong without telling to you. for sure she received some sms with some sugared words or she steered some men at the bookshop or she received some offers for coffee at the butchery or even she smiled to some unknown pedestrian for fun. all these behaviours should be clearly refrained with clear signs of civilization, the boyfreind should teach how to live in society. a woman too uch emancipated is not useful for the society, it is like to build a cathedral in the desert

in record «It's a life...»
Blocked profile November 22 2011 22:16

..which might explain why you still don't have a wife  

in record «It's a life...»
Blocked profile November 22 2011 21:54

Hmmmmm.....Walter !.... I don't like it proverb !  

in record «It's a life...»
iamWalter t. November 22 2011 21:39

jealousy is the avant door of love. i can recall many many girls who have been jealous in my regard because they were in love, simply in love for me.

i don't know whether you want to know more about this special reaction, tipical of low level women from countryside, but i can tell you that in  modern age, this feeling only remains where education is not cultivated enough.  

there is a proverb which says:"when you come back home at evening, first thingh you should do is to beat your wife. You don't know why but she does!!

in record «It's a life...»
Blocked profile November 22 2011 20:53

Lizzy... All is proper... Many understand it, but when the certain situation is created - there is a jealousy....
Certainly.. If people wish to be together - they will solve this problem.. But sometimes happens so, that one person wishes to solve this problem, and another does not wish to do it... Maybe then it is better to leave?

in record «It's a life...»
Blocked profile November 22 2011 20:47

Jealously cannot be a real vital principle! Jealously only kills the relationship because in essence it is dis-trust. And without trust there cannot be a real relationship. Because in a relationship nobody really is the property of somebody else. It should be 2 free people choosing to spend their time together and eventually making compromises together to adjust to each other, sharing responsibilities about each other... but not become the property..

in record «It's a life...»
Blocked profile November 22 2011 20:26

Mahammad. You think that to be jealous is badly?

in record «It's a life...»
Mahammad J. November 22 2011 19:36

I hope you dont thing like your Gramdma))

in record «It's a life...»
Blocked profile November 22 2011 08:51

Не преувеличивайте, Владимир... Мои знания языка желают быть лучшими...Но я стараюсь.... Как завещал нам великий Ленин : нужно учиться, учиться и ещё раз учиться.
It is simply answer to your question. But your question is not the answer to my question.

in record «It's a life...»
Vladimirs P. November 22 2011 05:06

Откуда  вы  так  здорово  знаете  английский  язык ?

in record «It's a life...»
Blocked profile November 19 2011 18:46

i should say you r bias

iamWalter t. November 19 2011 01:05

dear lizzy
i am disgusted about the wording LOVE melted in internet
i dont trust on love is this is in social network
Love for me is an inner feeling not something to disclose publically
it is like the uncertainty principle of  max bohr which says that the more precisely one property is measured, the less precisely the other can be controlled, determined, or known The more precisely i wanna dispaly what LOVE or GOD is, the less precisely i can try to explain. For the sake of internet, please stop of evocating my personality or my copirighted name!

Blocked profile November 18 2011 18:24

Yes, Kam... It is pure individual deed.
I can agree with it.. Because nobody knows all nuances of attitudes... Always is necessary to listen to the heart...

Blocked profile November 18 2011 14:23

for me love is something which grow gradually. if you are not sure about your feeling then its better to give sometime to ur feelings and see where its goes ...if you love somebody then better to tell him/her, there is no need to hide it ..if not sure then hold it for a while until u make sure that you have genuine feeling for that person.
In love i dont think so somebody can help , it is pure individual deed.

Blocked profile November 18 2011 09:05

Walter, if these blogs disgust you so much... There is also an option to magnanimously ignore them and not distress your graduated highness.

Blocked profile November 17 2011 23:43

Walter, Walter....
I do not trust  the God. But my grandmother trusted  the God...
She was saying me : When people are on the sky and face the God - all of them naked. They do not have purses with money, there is nothing! All of them identical!

iamWalter t. November 17 2011 22:12

sorry forever i am a bit puzzled because
i loved Lizzy and she reciprocated until i met you online

now i am thinking to love you byt Lizzy is coming back to her thoughts and wishes to re start again with me

I now want to love only you because i think you are more reliable and have family experience which gives you more sustainibility development in social relations

finally i want to tell to the readers that i am fed up to reply to all these blogs which i found for housewives and lorry drivers but not for graduated gentlemen as i am..

Blocked profile November 17 2011 21:55

Thanks, Lizzy...
Very good and wise answer...  

Blocked profile November 17 2011 18:43

I would also go for the third option. Love is something that grows slowly. Physical attraction is fast. And sometimes when we confuse those two things then we don't give the time for the real love to develop. And far too often we underestimate and take for granted that somebody who has been around loving us and then the realization that there was a true gem next to us all along may hit us like a lightning.. and sometimes too late.
And only if you have given it an honest try you can say - I am sorry, but this is not going to work out. I have tried, but it didn't work.

Blocked profile November 17 2011 18:33

Thank you for answer, John...
I think, that feelings grow naturally also.... But in fact,  He can show all  what he have.... To show the love and respect.... Sometimes other people of it do not notice. They think, that before them the person who does not deserve their attention...

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