Blocked profile July 14 2010 09:40

Aww, Roosie, you are back, you are alive! We've missed you! Without you here it was so boring! Welcome back dear old chap, I'm sure you have gathered fresh venom to suffice for us all!

in record «I come to Latvija!»
Roosevelt T. July 14 2010 00:34

you will like him because no matter how much he is handsome.....he is just a guy...

in record «I come to Latvija!»
Roosevelt T. July 14 2010 00:33

He just want some accomodation and may be a good sex for a night...
he is just a guest in your country....what you have to do is hire him in your home...i m sure you will like him ....

in record «I come to Latvija!»
Blocked profile July 14 2010 00:27

Google translator (or any other internet translators) is never a good idea for Latvian, trust me on this. And, therefore I can also presume the same for any language more complex in grammar than English. As of now the text is more funny than understandable.

in record «I come to Latvija!»
Figa D. July 13 2010 21:03

Svetlana drosmīga meiča, kas uzrakstījusi savu pieredzi :)
Latviešu meitenēm ir jāuzmanās vai jābūt gudrākām :)
1. piem. Londonā ir ļoti daudz aziāti, kas strādā nelikumīgi, izmantojot tūrisma vīzas.
2. ir daudz tādi, kas tiešām meklē naivas meičas pēc scenārija - (no nabadzīgākām Eiropas valstīm) apberot ar skaistiem vārdiem, dažiem spīgulīšiem, smukajiem šalvāriņiem u.t.t. līdz kāzām. Bet to dara tādi netalantīgie un nabadzīgie, normāls džeks iespējams pat izstāstīs par saviem patiesajiem nolūkiem un pat pārvērtīs to darījumām par attiecīgu naudas summu (laulības uz laiku papīra sakarā). Šo es no pašiem paki džekiem esmu dzirdējusi, ka ir ļoti jāuzmanās :)
Tāpēc iesaku būt īstenām gudrajām latvietēm un painteresēties par vīzas esamību, aplūkot to, painteresēties par izglītību (jo netalantīgie studenteļi diez ko cienīgi vīra vārda nebūs), visbeidzot painteresēties par ģimeni un pakomunicēt ar kādu, jo īstens musulmanis, ar patiesiem nolūkiem noteikti būs informējis ģimeni par gaidāmajām laulībām ... iesaku pastudēt islāma valstu kultūru :)
Ko nu vēl ... atcerēties 1001 nakts pasakas, iz bērnības grāmatām, painteresēties par austrumnieku tirgošanās manierēm, tad secināsiet, ka viss teiktais ir jāpārbauda reālajā dzīvē, pasakas viņi stāsta paši neapzinādamies to, ka melot ir slikti, kā tas ir pieņemts mūsu kultūrā :)
Sveicieni visiem foršajiem paki puikām un ar rungu pa muguru blefotājiem, kuriem 1 sieva pakistānā,otra amerikā, abas par vienas un otras esamību nezin, džekiņš tik saražo bērnus un rullē BMW :D
Kā tas var būt, elementāri mošejā slēgtās laulības (tās,kas islāmiskajās valstīs), Eiropā nav likumīgas :P līdz ar to, čalis brīvs kā putns un precas piem. ar 2. sievu pēc LV likumiem un tikumiem :D
Nu palasās likumus, tur acis vaļā un tā mīļās tautietes :) think just positive but keep your eyes open ;)

Blocked profile July 12 2010 22:53

It was a very silent evening in Netherlands. :D

in record «The game»
rob d. July 12 2010 22:51

It must have been an interesting day in Spain and the Netherlands.

in record «The game»
Blocked profile July 9 2010 23:33

If you are familiar with the Brainiac - "Thanks nurse, that will keep me entertained for hours!"

in record «The game»
rob d. July 9 2010 23:27

that gives me something to think about...    
enjoy a pleasant evening

in record «The game»
Blocked profile July 9 2010 23:07

And if she publishes then we want to delete them. A paradox indeed :D

in record «The game»
rob d. July 9 2010 23:06

Yet if she keeps her blogs to herself...
Then there goes all the entertainment.
What a paradox...?!  

in record «The game»
Blocked profile July 9 2010 22:54

I think even if you can't get the main idea from the Latvian posts, then at least it can keep you entertained. The same what they once told about one of the windows Latvian versions "Erm.. I don't know how understandable it will be but at least you'll have lot of fun with it".
And indeed, some of the literally translated terms turned out to be quite pervert :D

I think the Kaitlyn is the same as before, but as long as she keeps her blogs to herself...

in record «The game»
rob d. July 9 2010 22:44

I just hope you can keep the top spot...
looks like there's a new Kaitlyn Fritz in town.  

I try to read and translate the Latvian, Russian blogs sometimes...
doesn't work so well for me.  But I guess I am learning (a little)

in record «The game»
Blocked profile July 9 2010 09:41

The only author and the only blog :D Then it's easy to keep in the top, of course!
But I am sure that on the Latvian version there is enough rubbish being constantly published in questions and blogs that there's no fear of it shutting down.

in record «The game»
rob d. July 8 2010 23:25

there is no way a so-called 'loser' can be the top-ranked blog of the week and one of the top-ranked authors of the week!  let's face facts, if you weren't here this week, the website might have to shut down temporarily...  :)

have a pleasant evening!

in record «The game»
Blocked profile July 8 2010 23:19

You're welcome, I'm there for amigos, you know :)
I think it might indeed be true that we're few of the sad loosers having to work on these glorious days  

in record «The game»
rob d. July 8 2010 23:08

i admit, i did feel a bit rejected!  there was no communication about it... just the sound of the guillotine coming down.  oh well... i am starting to better understand my subconscious thought processes anyway... (?!?) and thank you btw for your support :)

in other news, do you think many of the amigos are on vacation this week?  it's been quiet around here in the English speaking wing of the castle...

in record «The game»
Blocked profile July 8 2010 23:04

So in pain about this rejection you went on a killing rampage of all blogs fakes? Well done then :D
Swine flu... well, the next could be the Q-fever (for goats) :D

in record «The game»
rob d. July 8 2010 23:00

no, i don't think so?  well, maybe.
this week, one of my amigos un-friended me and then a day later, blocked me...
i am about as popular as swine flu lately...
what's next?!  :P

in record «The game»
Blocked profile July 8 2010 22:58

Your effort?

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