tony s. July 18 2010 19:45

honey you so concern about the speling no matter what as long as u understand it thats all :)

Blocked profile July 18 2010 16:56

well England is the historical name of country which based at south part of Great Britain! Great Britain is the collective name for three countries..England..scotland and wales..well of course there are some more little islands arround which belong to Us!
The United Kingdom is made up of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,and that had came to use after1922 after the constitution of the irish free state! well the nature of your point still effencive to me by saying why My country has 3names also. i hope you have your answer Now! and forgive me to reply late becuase i have to reply many people.

Blocked profile July 18 2010 16:47

Hello Lina,
Its obvious this persons English is very poor and he needs to learn English grammar properly and to spell.
Maybe he writes the words how they sound which is the case with the Russian language not sure about the Latvian language if that is the case also.
English is my language by the way.
Reading your English writing it is good.
Maybe he could use a translator website but they do not always translate properly.

sedat d. July 18 2010 15:41

ok so I have a serious question.. why your country has 3 (most known) names? England, United Kingdom and Great Britain.. I really would like to know, not joking.

Blocked profile July 18 2010 15:33

what i think is you people are so frustrated to find a subject to talk! my advice to you... is Learn the culture of being easy with each other and try to be friends instead of bollying the others!
and if you dont have that manner then please dont bring up the subject!
by the way I born and grow up in England but never thought or felt about other people the way you do young lady and still belive i have many mistackes durring my writings due!  so............?
you missing the point due

sedat d. July 18 2010 08:02

if so he should apply for Guinness World Records :)))))

Blocked profile July 17 2010 18:21

he is drinking every day a whole month? :D
I don't know how much do I need to drink to write like that:D

Blocked profile July 17 2010 18:00

his english is good he is just drunk thats all

sedat d. July 17 2010 16:13

if it is needed, it is another case..

Ian F. July 17 2010 15:52

But then some try to learn too many languages at once rather than master 1. A Russian friend from Madona is trying to learn Arabic, ok her English is great but on a serious note she already has Latvian, Russian, Some German, Some Spanish. But many have found that English travels to most countries so if its work you need then its best to learn and master that first.

sedat d. July 17 2010 15:09

ay em sori... ahahahahaha ahahahahah
huni piliiss 4giv mi...

Blocked profile July 17 2010 15:04

Then stop writing so bad. u ned 2 rite mor lik zis. xD

sedat d. July 17 2010 15:00

i just threw my diploma into rubbish bin..! and so excited to get my new English diploma from him :)))

Blocked profile July 17 2010 14:53

Good idea :D

sedat d. July 17 2010 14:49

please let him teach us correct-English :)))

sedat d. July 17 2010 14:44

huniiii ahahahahah

Ian F. July 16 2010 17:40

I love the thought of touring on a motorbike, however have you tried hostels, possibly camping? or you wanna stay with complete strangers?

in record «I come to Latvija!»
rob d. July 16 2010 08:20

such a heartwarming reunion ~

in record «I come to Latvija!»
rob d. July 15 2010 20:26

not bad ;)

in record «anekdote»
Duncan B. July 14 2010 12:50

привет Света! Я с табою абсалютно солидарен в этом плане! Бывали такие случаи по началу когда Латвия вступила в ЕС и девчёнки в поисках лучшей жизни ехали в Великобританию вместе со своими парнями вскоре ухадили от них к этим уродам! так вот, по истечению месяца/двух девушки прибегали к нам обратно в слезах в халатике через немалое расстрояние, их новобранцы прелдожили им переспать ради забавы с их КАУЗАНАМИ... или же бывало просили привести подругу/сестру потому как они заоблочно красивые и потом с ними тут уже беседовали ...
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