Brainwork B. December 29 2009 23:10

nothing from that, i have all!

Blocked profile December 26 2009 15:36


Blocked profile December 26 2009 15:06

so fable and lovely...charming!!!!

Ian F. December 26 2009 02:46

I like my body to be under my head lol

Ian F. December 25 2009 13:57

nav pārliecināts Daudz sieviešu apzinās, ko šie vīrieši ir tiešām patīk, lai sāktu varat aizmirst pusēm, un dodas uz naktsklubu, kad esat ar musulmaņu vīrieti.Un Ziemassvētku thats neietilpst islāmu vai nu.

in record «--Turku Men---»
Blocked profile December 24 2009 18:26

text is  important...

in record «--Turku Men---»
Aiya A. December 24 2009 05:01

ur english is shait and questions rubbish, why don't u get lost at last??

Aiya A. December 24 2009 04:57

bull sh ur not gaga, just a sick stupit *itch

in record «Thank you»
Aiya A. December 24 2009 04:55

good idea

in record «adios amigos»
Brainwork B. December 21 2009 20:26

You tuerkish men, i will hope that no Latvijan woman is so stupid and write you!
Go home to your home country and talk with tuerkish woman

in record «hello my first lady»
Ian F. December 16 2009 23:50

have you tried going out to Bars, I was in London for 3 months working and I made lots of friends

in record «about me»
acrossthe u. December 16 2009 18:35

Yeah,i know,huseynish perdel,you like you,r own ass-very interested playing games with dozen drunkest monkeys.Like in-out version.

acrossthe u. December 16 2009 18:31

i like seen on your huseynish back ten hungriest dobermans dogies...

acrossthe u. December 16 2009 18:27

i like sex,tantric sex,called the eyes fucking...Do you,english bitch?

Blocked profile December 13 2009 23:27

its all about SEX

Rahel h. December 11 2009 03:19

hi there if make girls happy i give them hug all the time what never she going to.

xxxxx x. December 11 2009 03:02

wow....for the first time i ve heard this strong voice:-)))i do like it..

in record «Tell Me WHY!»
barzin m. December 11 2009 01:18

its really nice thanks

in record «Real Love»
Ian F. December 9 2009 13:40

Seems that you've met the wrong girls. I've met a few like that to.

Ian F. December 9 2009 13:37

The crises is in other countries to, who knows when this problem will be sorted out. The UK has started to recover by sending back asylum seekers that cost our country money.

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