Elza M. May 24 2015 22:18

derty sun of a bithc you and your mother idiot you are dismissed and blocked
i hate harassment from idiot double personality pepople

in record «idiot»
walter t. May 24 2015 21:26

fuckin cockhole lol

in record «idiot»
walter t. May 24 2015 21:26

where the police???

in record «idiot»
walter t. May 24 2015 21:26


in record «idiot»
walter t. May 24 2015 21:25

oh shut up  walter (elza) you pathetic piece of transgender photo spunking excrement lol. You already have cancer of the cock thats why its so small and red   that and you wanting onto photos on a daily basis you cat dicked wop  lady boy lol

in record «idiot»
Elza M. May 24 2015 20:03

comment #100 will be written by someone who has genital cancer and mother to die and father divorced and with double personality

in record «idiot»
walter t. May 24 2015 15:44

walters (elza) sore red maggot dick fuckin hilarious

in record «idiot»
walter t. May 24 2015 15:42

haha go ahead you sad old goofy toothed wop!lol I'm still waiting for the police and webmaster from two years ago you dyed haired faggot  

in record «idiot»
Elza M. May 23 2015 23:06

if you dont stop of harassing me i call the webmaster and show all these evidences of pishing

in record «idiot»
walter t. May 22 2015 20:26


in record «idiot»
walter t. May 22 2015 20:26

since you  have brought up the subject of worms, hows your micro penis doing? still red raw from all that walking on to photos?

in record «idiot»
walter t. May 22 2015 20:23

you sick retarded transvestite walter!(elza). You will be spunking on this photo next cocksucker! lol

in record «idiot»
Elza M. May 21 2015 22:20

you are only a disgusting dwarf and i block your profile, worm!!!

in record «idiot»
walter t. May 8 2015 23:16


in record «idiot»
walter t. May 8 2015 23:16

your pencil dick looks red raw walter(elsa)....must be all that walking on photos you turd!

in record «idiot»
walter t. May 8 2015 23:15

you got mental health issues you fuckin sick cunt

in record «idiot»
Elza M. May 7 2015 21:31

in record «idiot»
walter t. April 26 2015 18:18

dirty fucka lol

in record «idiot»
walter t. April 26 2015 18:17

can see you have been enjoying yourself walter !!(elza)

in record «idiot»
Elza M. April 25 2015 23:18

in record «idiot»
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