JEKS L. June 7 2014 12:45

ja   toze  ljublju ZIZNJ   A  POCEMU  JA   NE   TVORCESKIJ  

Granny S. May 23 2014 12:18


huseyin m. May 19 2014 22:48


jay j. May 18 2014 23:48

1) DON'T give your password to ANYONE!

2) Anyone inviting you to Frype is risking themselves getting banned from Frype if in future you break the Frype rules! .. so..

3) I suggest to search "name surname" on google and 9/10 times you will find your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or elsewhere.. at that point you can ask directly to your KNOWN friends on these sites for a Frype invite.

Blocked profile April 2 2014 23:13

this is an idiot answer that's all
quello che viene dal cuore?   
non voglio dire di prendere esempio dagli altri, significa vivere   come si pensa che è meglio per voi e non guardare cosa fanno gli altri.

in record «***»
Old T. April 2 2014 22:47

Welcome back my friend, all the ugly Turks from Amigos (Alishan, Namo and I) and other old pervs like Paul wishes u welcome back here!

in record «***»
Romis E. March 19 2014 16:12

Tavs klips man nerāda. Paklausies latviešu mūziku:

huseyin m. March 17 2014 05:37

super PMS

Karim X. March 14 2014 12:52

I don't know how u gets those marvelous old watches, congratulations!!  

sandra k. March 12 2014 21:29

Skaista dziesma.

Blocked profile March 8 2014 12:35

Yes obviously a long time ago for the 1 Lat meal Lido must have been full and queues outside at those prices.

in record «Lido restaurants»
Blocked profile March 7 2014 23:40

Oh, that was such a long time ago when the meal for 1 Lat was possible. Now you'll hardly get a portion of potatoes for it! But that's life, I guess, the prices go up everywhere. But it is usually a well-tested option for quick food!

in record «Lido restaurants»
Blocked profile March 4 2014 22:14

Sounds good that Lizzy for 1 Lat getting a meal for that?
Yes quite cheap to eat at Lido and the food is good plus lots of choice and everything seems freshly cooked

in record «Lido restaurants»
Blocked profile March 4 2014 21:57

I presume you mean the biggest one at Krasta Anna was at that one in June last year planning to go there in April when i am in Riga again.Yes its a good one will try the evening there this time went during the day last time.

in record «Lido restaurants»
Blocked profile March 4 2014 21:22

I've been to several of those. Have to say that for a penniless student it was slowly getting too expensive. I remember, there used to be a cardboard cut-out figure saying something like "if you have 1 Ls, you can have a meal here", but those days, of course, are long gone
Nowadays, having a job, it is a good and cheap place to eat, a great alternative to junk food - just a proper food and quickly. Their cranberry drink and low-salted cucumbers remain my favourite additions.

in record «Lido restaurants»
Anna S. February 28 2014 19:28

I've been to the one in Riga.  It was pretty good.  I like the atmosphere.  Hi John

in record «Lido restaurants»
Blocked profile February 28 2014 00:13

I eating Lido nice foods

in record «Lido restaurants»
Karim X. February 26 2014 23:00

Sounds good enjoy. I hope more  people write about Lido :)

in record «Lido restaurants»
Blocked profile February 26 2014 22:50

Will be going to the one on Krasta maybe in the evening for the entertainment and the Russian one as well as the one at Riga Airport

in record «Lido restaurants»
Karim X. February 26 2014 22:44

Yes I ate in both ones. Riga Krasta's one is the best because if the park  around. I ate boyh downstairs where the choice is huge. Pretty unique in Europe and in the restaurant's part on the second floor.  Great memories in the pub downstairs wirh some live music or karaoke.  

in record «Lido restaurants»
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