Kevin M. January 31 2014 21:03


Karim X. January 31 2014 20:47

Very original!

Blocked profile January 31 2014 18:13

Nice watch Denis.

Blocked profile January 27 2014 23:40

in record «dance videos»
Blocked profile January 27 2014 23:37

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Blocked profile January 26 2014 21:59

Rachel's Story

Rachel is a young Nigerian woman who managed to escape from traffickers and agreed to meet with the Advocacy Project. I have borrowed her story from the Advocacy Project's website. Rachel was living in Benin City with her sister when she was approached by a man who asked if she would like to go abroad and earn money. After a long and roundabout route she arrived in Rome, where she met her pimp, named "Madam Agnes." She was shocked to learn that she was expected to earn $50,000 dollars from prostitution, or be denounced to the police as an illegal immigrant. At the going rate that would have meant sex with several partners a day for three years.

Rachel tried to escape, but to no avail. After three weeks on the streets, a client drove her to the patch of empty ground. After having sex with Rachel in his car, he told her to hand over all of her earnings from the day. She kept her earnings in a sock and gave him an empty purse. He started to curse and hit her, whereupon she managed to open the door and start running. He started the car and drove it right at her, knocking her down. Luckily he then drove off, because as she knows only too well, she could have been killed. Covered in blood and crying, Rachel then walked back to the corner where she worked. In retrospect, it seems amazing that she returned. It shows how totally cowed she had been by her experience and by the fearsome Madam Agnes.Nigerian

Rachel was rescued by a group of modern Samaritans from the Catholic group Caritas, who patrol the streets of Rome every Wednesday in an attempt to check up on the prostitutes. They quickly realized that Rachel was sick and asked her to go to a hospital with them. At first Rachel refused: "I thought I would not be able to afford treatment." They insisted gently and told her that the treatment would be free. Even ensconced in a hospital bed, Rachel was reluctant to sleep, afraid of how Madam would react. The staff carried out medical tests, which presumably included a test for sexually transmitted diseases and even HIV-AIDS.

Rachel's five days in the hospital finally broke the grip of Madam Agnes. The Caritas group asked if Rachel wanted to return to Nigeria and offered to help. She was taken to a convent in Rome, where she stayed for several days with two other girls. She then went to the Nigerian embassy in Rome and to the office of the International Organization of Migration, to collect the necessary documents and ticket. In one final act of pure malice, Madam Agnes had phoned Rachel's family after she had escaped and told them that she had been killed. When Rachel returned home, alive and well, they were overjoyed. They were also bitterly angry-so angry, in fact, that they went in person to confront the brother of Agnes. He was living in Benin City and had arranged for the departure of their child two months earlier.

Rachel's story rings true for most Nigerians, and it is only one of thousands of stories just like it that radiate from all over the world.

Blocked profile January 26 2014 21:58

Extent of the ProblemMap of Nigeria (Advocacy Project)

There are 19,000-25,000 foreign prostitutes in Italy. Approximately 2,000 have been trafficked.(4) Rome is the concentrated region of trafficked Albanian and Nigerian women brought for the purpose of prostitution.(5) According to Police, about 50,000 Nigerian girls engaging in the sex trade have been stranded in the streets of Europe and Asia, most of whom come from Nigeria's southern states Edo, Delta and Lagos. This excludes thousands of those girls scattered across the world neither do they include the dead or those wasted by diseases such as HIV/AIDS.(6) Between October 25 and November 12 1999, eighty-four young Nigerian girls were deported from Italy to Nigeria. Seventy-one were from Edo State, nine from Delta State, two from Ondo State and one each from Enugu and Imo States. Between December 3 and 8 another set of eighty-seven predominantly female deportees arrived in Nigeria from Italy. In all, well over 180 Nigerian girls aged between 16 and 23 years have been deported from Italy within the last three months. 90% of them are from Edo State, Nigeria. So far 9 out of 87 screened for HIV have been found to be HIV positive. It is not known if those found to be HIV positive were positive before they went to Italy or got infected in Italy. This deportation has been a source of considerable embarrassment to both the Federal and Edo State governments.(7) President Olusegun Obasanjo pleaded with the Italian government and other European countries to assist Nigeria in putting an end to trafficking of Nigerian girls for prostitution abroad. The influx of Nigerian girls to Europe for prostitution, he stressed, was caused largely by the degradation of all facets of life in Nigeria during the military era. (8)

Blocked profile January 26 2014 21:51

i now 10 friends my old block profile 1,140 friends.

fart c. January 26 2014 17:52

walter theturd

Kevin M. January 26 2014 17:50

poor walter. can't jerk off to 1100 "friends" anymore lol

Blocked profile January 26 2014 16:41

update 16.41 i now have 7 friends

huseyin m. January 26 2014 06:37

Jums ir tik labi, mana princese
  dārgais princese

Blocked profile January 25 2014 23:31

yes latvia hates russia as neighbour.
the euro is new to latvia even though the old currency the latvian lat has finished as the national currency.
maybe the euro will be good currency for latvia time will tell.
in my country england glad we do not have the euro though its handy to not have to get different currencies when moving through countries when travelling through various european countries with many using the euro.

Karim X. January 25 2014 18:41

But I agree with Kevin, most of countries in Europe would be better off using the euro!

Karim X. January 25 2014 18:28

LAtvian people hate the euros... but they hate even more their big Russian neighbour, so having the euro means for them to be in the heart of the European Union, so they feel safer...

In addition the Lat's exchange rate was fixed with the euro since 2004.. and all the loans were in euros... so somehow the decision was made long ago... and without  economic crisis, Latvia would be in the eurozone since 2008.

Latvia has the highest growth in Europe now, so welcome to Eurozone! For us with Euros in our pockets it's great to be able to take out money in Latvia for free!

Kevin M. January 25 2014 17:21

back on topic , regarding the euro, its flawed and I'm glad in the uk we did not adopt it. As for latvia adopting it, I imagine on one hand it may be good as it cements their place in europe even more but at the same time it could be bad as the euro hasn't got a great track record to date. Just my two cents worth...

Kevin M. January 25 2014 17:16

more copy and paste shit from you walter! oops i mean elza! lol

Blocked profile January 19 2014 21:27

in record «dance videos»
Blocked profile January 19 2014 21:26

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