
March 23 2010 03:10

Just thought i'd let the world know i've been visited by a koala bear in amigos. This must be one clever animal to operate a computer. The bears name is Sam, anyone been contacted by this bear?

Keywords: internet70, visitors10

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Comments (7)

Blocked profile April 18 2010 15:16

I get visited by flowers, animals, scenery, hearts, a table and even a basketball:D
not spekaing about child and naked photos:)

Ian F. April 16 2010 00:29

i've been visited by flowers :DD

Blocked profile March 24 2010 12:02

Well, haven't had those as a visitors, but yesterday did have a visit from a jerk who's only aim was to offend. No talk, only abuse. I thank amigos for the total blocking button, although his last parting shot still reached me.
I just can't imagine, does it give him the only satisfaction he will ever get by senselessly offending people? Because he can't have any friends and therefore he will go online abusing every available person?

eM r. March 23 2010 22:51

did that "a bunch of flowers" tell u that
tu esi baigi smukiņš... too ???? :DDD

Ian F. March 23 2010 17:54

Ok I got vistied by a bunch of flowers to lol

Danuta L. March 23 2010 17:38

Hum... nope, not me. But I get monkeys all the time  
BTW beware if you get some "private body parts" as visitors, there are plenty around!!!

Blocked profile March 23 2010 09:01

Yes indeed...i think that koala are very intelligent animals but this one is special!!!

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