Spring in the autumn.

November 12 2012 11:44

At our Latvia temperature + 7 - +9 degrees. What weather at you?

Keywords: autumn2, spring1

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Comments (22)

Aiga N. November 15 2012 14:01

Oh, God! Marina, they are interested only because of your naked photos. They just wanna fuck you. They are not interested in your personality. Checking what they write you, must be blind not to see the real reasons why they "want" you. Person who wants something serious from the opposite sex, wouldnt show what you show.
Many men writes me here, and so? They want me? Yeah, sure      

Blocked profile November 15 2012 00:50

Marina ,
Why you tell me this trying to make me jealous.

Blocked profile November 14 2012 21:18

Okay John i joke but many mans contact me girl to.

waltere t. November 14 2012 20:29

dirty little perv!

waltere t. November 14 2012 20:28

ooh fuck waltere ! again you show yourself up!! FOREVER ALONE!!lol

Blocked profile November 14 2012 20:18

Ha ha John all these men interested in me.
Hich foryou 20:12

Hi princess


andis erglis 19:51

cay seksy


seqk kizil 19:50

hacu tebje...


seqk kizil 19:50

privet sexy baby...


orhan turkmen 19:49


janis lejavs 19:42

cau jautasu uzreiz atklati un godig vai tev interesetu virtualais sex ar mani -proti ar webkameram


Alexej Vinogradov 19:38



waltere thebest 19:28





waltere thebest 19:21



waltere thebest 19:17

send me kaila fotos ludzu


waltere thebest 19:16

i would like to jerk my sperma on
and let a girl to lick and share with you


waltere thebest 19:14

i love your nipples
are very strong and big
unusual for a latvian lady


Ronalds Abrickis 18:48

i think that the world is fulll of floating idiots
yes yes floating idiots

What this ?

My answer -Space explorers  view, that it is a new fish species on the planet Marss.


kenz nlm 18:27

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm GODDESS...

wanna cock ???


Mārcis Daudzvārds 18:18



andrej brencs 18:18


andrej brencs 17:58



jan GA 17:52

Can y take my dick up


Alexej Vinogradov 17:44



orhan turkmen 17:22


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Blocked profile November 14 2012 20:14

I know this why are writing this and got my photo on your profile.I do not know why you are like this last time i saw you and the other females you were okay.
I have moved on.

Blocked profile November 14 2012 20:09

John you were good MAN at time and spends lot of money on me when you did agency in Kiev and Rostov on Don.
I work out why Zhanna and Zhenya like you now you buy present for them and drink.
I flirt with man you not like remember nighclub Mandarin restauran American man.
You go Zhanna and see Anna i know they told me Svetlana also.
I now can get other mans flash my body  and smile when they talking..

Blocked profile November 14 2012 20:02

Italian idiot heard you are contacting my ex you are welcome to her but doubt she will want you.
I am straight by the way she knows that you are gay.
I spent a lot of money on her but i have lots of money in the bank i had four holidays this year.
I know a guy who has 5,000 on Facebook they contact him and support his blogs jerk.

iamWalter t. November 14 2012 19:57

john is gay and poor separated man without fix job and no money in bank and eat bread of three days before
this is the leeway of all kind of british like them
immigrants and arabs

i have1100 friends soon 1200...ahahahahahha

Blocked profile November 14 2012 19:45

Do not bother me anymore!

Blocked profile November 14 2012 19:42

I talk Walter not you go away.

Blocked profile November 14 2012 19:39

You know eh eh.
What did you tell Zhanna about me?

Blocked profile November 14 2012 19:37

What you on about?

Blocked profile November 14 2012 19:35

John i do this you know why?

Blocked profile November 14 2012 19:33

Who has been hacking onto my photo?

iamWalter t. November 14 2012 19:08

i have asked you to be my friend and i am waiting your reply
i am astonished by your fotos
and i would like to share some of mine if you wish

Blocked profile November 14 2012 00:05

i think that the world is fulll of floating idiots
yes yes floating idiots

What this ?

iamWalter t. November 13 2012 22:45

i think that the world is fulll of floating idiots
yes yes floating idiots

Karim X. November 13 2012 11:52

10 in Norway today. Mild and yet all over Europe in those days.

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