His questions and answers

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tiger s. february 20 2013 13:49 His answers

why you keep going on Latvian girls?

if they do not liek you it does not mean that they are bitchesw,in Itay we have worth than Latvian girls,do you think our women are clean and saints? they are worth women the men could see.

besides,a gentleman will not abuse or insult a woman even if she is a putana.

you have bad repuration,and if you want to have sex with Latvian girls you should show some dinity and respect for them. Trust me,be gentke and be kind and they will love you.

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tiger s. november 19 2009 14:44 His answers

a traitor who betrays his country and his friends whether he is living in his country or he leaves his country,
a person could leave his country for prosperity but he should always remenber his mother land.

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tiger s. november 17 2009 19:33 His answers

it depends what russian things you are looking for

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