His questions and answers

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Ricardo D. october 4 2010 02:38 His answers

Of course! A public place is the best place!...

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Ricardo D. september 25 2010 16:50 His answers

In a very short period of time things will start to degradate and the friendship will be over at 2nd round!

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Ricardo D. september 2 2010 16:16 His answers

Simply it's on their nature...

to question Kādēļ sievietes mīl sagrozīt faktus? by Blocked profile
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Ricardo D. august 24 2010 11:41 His answers

Obviously a woman without hair is better!!!

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Ricardo D. august 16 2010 14:46 His answers

Japp!!! A hot heart can shurly make a miracle!!!

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Ricardo D. august 16 2010 14:45 His answers

For shure...

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Ricardo D. august 16 2010 14:43 His answers

Olá Nikita ,

Eu vivo quase todo o ano em Portugal com temperatura que pode ir até 45 º e estão sempre entre 35 º e 40 º durante o dia e entre 23 º e 30 º durante a noite e eu nunca vi nenhum fumaça saindo do meu cérebro .. .

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Ricardo D. august 13 2010 15:51 His answers

That is one very good question!!! I think specialy not fearing it. Everybody have the tendency to be afraid of the unknown!!! Don't fear, face it...

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Ricardo D. august 7 2010 17:28 His answers

Of course. Your friends are your chosen family!!!

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