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Girls and Money; What is that all about.

2 декабря 2009 18:00

Girls love money too much. Girls will be with men for money just, not because of love. If a man don't have then he can't get love from  the girls. So there is a price tag for love! Why is that? Ofcourse this is just my opinion. What is all your opinions on this matter?

Ключевые слова: love1722, money266, friendship100, marriage21, dollars2

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Комментарии (9)

Ian F. 2 декабря 2010 17:04

Love comes in many different forms, and the BIG love you are talking about takes a long time to grow, money dont buy you real love

Удалённый пользователь 29 марта 2010 16:56

You certainly met the wrong girls, from the ones that answered you, you can find out that you can't buy all of us. It is humiliating to live with a man for money, as for me.. But it is a problem of most good looking girls, they think that they're so perfect that they should be paid for that from all men that surround them. But it's sure not love, they just want a good life. There is a problem from the other side too, many men want to buy girls, I've met such situations in life. And they call me stupid if I say I'm not interested in their money. Maybe girls get offended of that and start being a product you can buy:)

Удалённый пользователь 2 февраля 2010 19:10

Are you real?

I mean, what kind of question is that, are we in Kindergarten?

They probably do love money, because of what they can do with it, but Love has nothing to do with money, you probably met the wrong women.

Удалённый пользователь 7 января 2010 10:20

hehe dont think only girls love money....its depend from ppl.. for example i earn very good..and if guys know abt it then after few hours HE love me..hehe soo..in out time ppl dont think too much abt love...very hard to meet right person.. so..better say u have no money and then u get chance meet nice and good girl..  

Удалённый пользователь 13 декабря 2009 23:27

its all about SEX

Ian F. 9 декабря 2009 13:40

Seems that you've met the wrong girls. I've met a few like that to.

Brainwork B. 5 декабря 2009 20:02

We live in the time of emancipation!

Удалённый пользователь 3 декабря 2009 16:33

shortly; of both indispensable

Удалённый пользователь 2 декабря 2009 18:44

I think that, if girl really loves the man, then she'll be with him always, no matter if he's rich or poor...of course i don't speak about homeless people:)
And i think that rich men are more ''bent'' than not so rich:)

