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Internet Dating - is a sucess or a failure?

5 апреля 2010 19:56

Internet dating is proving a much more successful way to find long-term romance and friendship for thousands of people than was previously thought, new research shows.

The day has come when internet dating is considered a legitimate way of meeting new people in the endless search for the right person. Chat rooms have replaced bar rooms, and internet dating sites and personal ads no longer have the "stigma" that they once did. You may still get a raised eyebrow when telling people you are using the internet for your search for the perfect date, but no where close to the reaction you would have gotten years ago. Internet dating has gained popularity by leaps and bounds, and unfortunately, so have the dangers and horror stories some have encountered.

A new study of online dating site members has found that when couples who had built up a significant relationship by e-mailing or chatting online met for the first time, 94 per cent went on to see each other again.

Internet dating sites are an increasingly popular way to make new friends or even a life partner. Many marriages have been formed as a result of relationships formed on many web sites.

I can come to the conclusion that internet dating had been a success rather than failure, but there are still some danger involved. My advice is that those engage in it must be careful to choose the right partner. My personal experience of it have been excellent.

What do you think? Do you agree with this or not? What is your experience of this? Are there any successful testimonies? Let have yours too here.

Have a wonderful day. Take care. Dave

Ключевые слова: internet70, dating64, meeting12, marriage21, partner8

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Удалённый пользователь 25 мая 2010 20:07

Remembering my experience of dating via Internet, I came to conclusion, that it's a success. I also had great experience in it and I didn't lose anything, but only received.

Ian F. 8 апреля 2010 02:33

I drink with someone who has a profile here, shes a great friend and thats great. I intend to meet others. If they have boyfriends i'll meet them to after all this is a friendship site....

Удалённый пользователь 7 апреля 2010 17:07

The positive aspect of internet dating is that you see the person, know what he does, speak to him, find out what kind of a person he is and then meet. While meeting in the bar or somewgere else, you don't get to know the person as good as if you were chatting before. I know some couples who met through the internet and are now living happily together. But also there are lots of lies in the internet, and people turn out not as beautiful as on photos edited in photoshop, and you can't always see the person right through typed words. I had many not very good experiences meeting through internet, people turned out to be be boring and quiet in real life. Maybe it's just a problem that people can't be as open in real life as in the internet. Like say so much here and be quiet in real life. So it's 50 - 50 think. You may be lucky to find someone in the internet or in real life. I found my love in real life:)

Ian F. 6 апреля 2010 12:34

Depends on the people, i'd say get to know the people really well first. However I am guessing some guys here are social outcasts and can not meet people in real life. Also I would like to add that its alot easier when the date lives near you and that if it does become marriage its cause you love eachother and not cause someone wants a visa.

barde m. 6 апреля 2010 01:34

yea is a succes becouse alot people have found the love of their lives on the internet and it has really encourage inter relationship and marraige so we should keep promoting it my doing what is rite and some time some day it will  be a testimony

