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If you want me

8 января 2010 23:53

Are you really here or am I dreaming? I can't tell dreams from truth for it's been so long since I have seen you. I can hardly remember your face anymore.. When I get really lonely and the distance causes our silence I think of you smiling with pride in your eyes, a lover that sighs.. If you want me satisfy me

Are you really sure that you’d believe me when others say I lie. I wonder if you could ever despise me, when you know I really try to be a better one to satisfy you.. for your everything to me and I’ll do what you ask me if you’ll let me be free..

Ключевые слова: love1723, throughts0

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Товарищ С. 17 января 2010 00:25

The initiative sometimes may come to panishment :)))
When you wonna be free let's think about consequences:)))

olegs v. 9 января 2010 11:41

Так будь свободна.

МАЛОЙ Н. 9 января 2010 10:29


